Olivia, this is really cool. I love the trees and shadows on the snow. I like the way that you put the fox's pawprints in the picture but not the fox. It gives us a clue so that we can imagine the fox. Very well done. -- Grandpa
- on February 14, 2019
Very nice Olivia. I used to see the northern lights when I was growing up in northeast Iowa. I always remember the colors of them which you have captured in your painting. -- Grandpa
- on February 14, 2019
Olivia, your frogs are fantastic! I especially love this art. You are an amazing artist. -- Grandpa
- on February 14, 2019
Very nice Olivia! I think that you captured it well. I love playing golf, unfortunately I am the one in your picture saying Please. LOL -- Grandpa
- on February 14, 2019
Olivia, I love it. Great football game. I have enjoyed every one of your art projects. -- Dennis (grandpa)
- on November 7, 2018
Love it, Livvy!! Can't wait to play b-ball with you! -- Anthea
- on November 7, 2018
I like this picture Olivia. He looks like such a friendly little bear. -- Grandpa
- on November 7, 2018
Nice work Olivia. I like it. -- Dennis (grandpa)
- on November 7, 2018
This is a really cool tree, Olivia. I like it a lot. -- Dennis (grandpa)
- on November 7, 2018
Olivia, I like your pineapple. I looks cool and refreshing. I think I will go to the store and get some to enjoy. I will think of you while we eat it. :) -- Grandpa
- on November 7, 2018
Olivia, This is really cool. I love it. It is really creative and interesting. You have a lot of talent. -- Grandpa
- on November 7, 2018
Beautiful! Just like you! I'm in awe with how much your artistic ability is already blooming! -- Hope
- on November 7, 2018
This is one of my favorites! You have an eye for art! You get that from your daddy! You make beautiful work! Love you little one! ?? -- Hope
- on November 7, 2018
Olivia, This is awesome! Your butterflies and dragonflies are beautiful. -- Dennis
- on November 7, 2018
This is a really cool design. I love it Olivia. It is colorful and really well done. Grandpa -- Dennis
- on November 7, 2018
Another Masterpiece Olivia. You continue to amaze me with your abilities! -- Jeanne
- on November 7, 2018
Oh my God Olivia! Your artwork just gets better and better all of the time. This is incredible! Your parrot is so perfect. And the detail in the leaves is perfect too. I am proud of your work. -- Grandpa
- on November 7, 2018
Olivia, this is really pretty. I love it. -- Grandpa
- on November 7, 2018
This is so good. It is great to see how the artist in you is evolving -- Jeanne
- on November 7, 2018
Awesome lion Olivia. I love it. The expression on his face looks like you surprised him. -- Dennis (grandpa)
- on November 7, 2018
Livvy Divvy- You are an amazing artist! Keep on creating and reaching for the stars. Love Auntie -- Anthea
- on November 7, 2018
Hi Livvy, This looks like an angry monster. yet it looks friendly. You can combine angry and friendly well. I love you, Mommy -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
Livvy:) Another abstract art work. Putting all the shapes and colors together and it looking good, that's awesome! YOu are awesome! Love you, Mommy -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
Hi Livvy! this looks like a melted snowman. Like the snowman we did. Love you Mommy -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
Love the colors you put them together well Love it and you Mommy -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
Very Cool! It looks like a fox going around a world. I love the mystery to your picture, love mommy -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
Hi my Liv, This is my favorite picture ever!! Its a rainbow made out of Crosses! you are such a talented artist and spiritual:0 Love your Mommy -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
Hi my Liv, You have talent. Keep it up. I love that your pictures have smiles:)) Love you as high as the sky! Mommy -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
Olivia, I love that you are smiling :))) Its a picture of hope. I love you and Mommy is so proud of you! -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
Hi my lovely Liv, This is true art An abstract piece of work that comes from a talented little girl. Mommy is proud! -- Bianka
- on November 7, 2018
You're such an amazing artist. Why? Because you know how to put your beautiful mind on display. -- James
- on January 19, 2017
Absolutely gorgeous. You know how to touch someone's heart with the beauty of your imagination. What a gift, little one. I love you -- James
- on January 19, 2017
Wow! Your mind is so beautiful, sweetie. I'm so proud of you! Continue to express yourself artistically....because when you do you inspire others. In many ways. Like the way you inspire me to be a better man and father. I love you so much my little angel. Xoxoxoxo -- James
- on January 19, 2017
Olivia, Scarecrow Pete is awesome. He actually reminds me of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz movie. He is so cool. You did a fantastic job on him. -- Grandpa Dennis
- on January 11, 2017
Olivia, This is really good. I love it. -- Grandpa Dennis
- on January 11, 2017
Olivia, has once again demonstrated the talent of Art. Her abstract creation is another gem I wish to hang on her wall of many. I am so proud to be her mommy. It is a purrrrfect example of thinking inside the boxes :) -- Bianka
- on December 7, 2016
Beautiful designs -- Jeanne
- on November 9, 2016
Olivia, Your picture is awesome. The style reminds me of some very famous artists paintings that I have seen in museums and art galleries. You are so good at your artwork and I am proud of you. -- Dennis (grandpa)
- on November 9, 2016
Wow, what an awesome picture! I love it! You really have a natural talent - keep up the good work. -- Deanna
- on November 9, 2016
Olivia, All of your artwork is wonderful. I am so proud of you. You have done so well in school and with all of your art. I have saved all of your work so that we can look at it every day if we want. Love you Grandpa -- Dennis (Grandpa)
- on July 6, 2016
Wow! I love your art work, Olivia! Keep up the good work - can't wait to see your next masterpieces! -- Deanna
- on March 16, 2016
Love those eyes.... -- Jeanne
- on March 16, 2016
I absolutely love your kitty, Olivia! You have so much talent! Love you bunches sweetie ~ Aunt JoJo -- Joanna
- on January 13, 2016
My little girl, you have such talent and I adore how you see the world. Keep showing me through your eyes! Love, Daddy -- James
- on December 13, 2015
Gorgeous mind you have honey! I can't wait to display this one at home :):) Keep up the beautiful thinking!! Love, Daddy -- James
- on December 13, 2015
Olivia is has a natural talent in the arts. I am so proud of her. This latest work shows a brilliant abstract image of colorful birds. They are colorful in sight and show an arena of characters. A piece of work that speaks volume. Go Olivia Rose mommy is so proud!!!! -- Mommy (Bianka)
- on December 13, 2015
Looks like a incredible cereal box! -- Jeanne
- on December 13, 2015
My beautiful rainbow child, I love you as high as the sky! Your most recent rainbow is amazing! I'm so proud and support you in all your dreams over the rainbow :) -- Bianka