Lauren19591's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Lauren19591's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lauren, you are so very creative! I love you more than anything - even more than hot fudge sundays :) I cannot wait to hug you again. I love you!!!! Daddy
-- Daddy
- on April 26, 2017
All your artwork is amazing, Lauren! I love it! (and you! ??)
-- Joan
- on November 24, 2016
Lauren.... beautiful artwork!!
-- Arvel
- on November 24, 2016
You are so creative, Lauren! You're a much better artist than I could ever hope to be! Love, you! See you soon!
-- Grandma
- on May 17, 2016
I love your use of colors in all your art! Love you, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on February 20, 2016
Hey LG! Your artwork makes me happy. You are so talented and I look forward to seeing what you will create - each time you begin working on a new one. I love You, Lauren! Love, Daddy
-- Daddy
- on January 5, 2016
Lauren, I love seeing all your art! Your pictures make me so happy! Love you to the moon and back! ??????????????????? Love, Grandma and Papa
-- Grandma
- on January 5, 2016
Beautiful art!! We are very proud of you!!
-- Grandpa and Dona
- on November 17, 2015
Lauren, You are an amazing artist! Papi and I are so happy to be able to see your artwork online. Thank you for sharing this with us. We love you little artist, Lali
-- Lali
- on November 16, 2015