Deven597's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Deven597's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Deven We are very proud and happy of your creative skills...keep up the good work. Nana and thatayya
-- Subhash
- on December 8, 2017
One of my favorites! The colors make me feel happy. I like the details you put into this.
-- Bhavana
- on April 5, 2017
Great work Deven... keep it up. Thatayya and Nanamma
-- Subhash
- on April 5, 2017
Great work Deven. We are proud of your drawing. Nana and Thata
-- Subhash
- on October 12, 2016
Wonderful work Deven! I love the colors and details you put in this artwork. Love, Mommy
-- Bhavana
- on May 11, 2016
Deven We loved your artwork.. Keep it up. Nanamma and Thatayya 05/10/2016
-- Subhash
- on May 11, 2016
Deven, your number 5 artwork is so colorful and awesome! I love it because I'll always remember you being 5 years old when starting kindergarten. Now you're already a big 6 year old! Keep up the great art work. Love, Mommy
-- Bhavana
- on April 13, 2016
Deven, you are champ, keep up the good work. Thata and nana
-- Subhash
- on April 13, 2016
Deven, Awesome. Thata and Nana
-- Subhash
- on April 13, 2016
Deven, That is cool. Thata and Nana
-- Subhash
- on April 13, 2016
Deven, That is fantastic. Thata and Nana
-- Subhash
- on April 13, 2016
Deven, Your art work is excelent. Where did you learn this? Thatayya and Nanamma
-- Subhash
- on February 19, 2016
Good job Deven. Nanamma and Thatayya
-- Subhash
- on November 24, 2015
Deven, That is an awesome piece of art . Good job...keep up the good work. Nanamma and Thatayya
-- Subhash
- on November 24, 2015
Hi Deven, Thank you for making such nice artwork. I enjoyed seeing the Kandinsky inspired Concentric Circles piece.
-- Masi
- on November 24, 2015