Ghosts can be fun. This one looks like it could be! Love your work honey. -- Robert
- on February 21, 2018
I love this picture Ari! Great job! -- Cousin Kari
- on February 21, 2018
You are so talented! You are awesome! Keep up the good are work! Daddy- -- Robert
- on March 10, 2016
Such a great artist. Keep up the great work and imagination! Love Dad! -- Robert
- on February 19, 2016
Roar! This is fantastic!! Love, Cousin Kari -- Kari
- on February 19, 2016
Great new piece of art Ari! I love it! Cousin Kari -- Kari
- on February 24, 2016
Ari I absolutely love this art work! It reminds me of you. So beautiful so strong and fiery! I love you more than you will ever be able to understand! Love Daddy -- Robert
- on December 8, 2015
Great job, baby girl! I think Frankenstein is kinda cool! Keep up the good work babe! Love Daddy!
- on November 4, 2015
Ari, I love your pumpkin! You are really talented! Keep up that good work! I LOVE YOU! Daddy -- Robert