Tag23's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Tag23's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cool looking fish. Is he king of the fishes? Love your drawings Tag
-- Doris
- on April 27, 2016
That is beautiful Tag! Great job. Love Mamaw
-- Doris
- on March 16, 2016
Very pretty Tag. I love it!
-- Mommy
- on March 4, 2016
Colorful fish! Excellent job Mamaw
-- Doris
- on February 26, 2016
Great job tag!! Good colors!!
-- Pampy
- on February 26, 2016
Love your cross! Love meme
-- Meme
- on February 15, 2016
This is very good tag. The bold colors and designs, awesome! Love you meme
-- Meme
- on February 15, 2016
This one is very nice. Working with different kind of materials and doing a wonderful job. Love meme
-- Meme
- on February 15, 2016
This one reminds me when you come to visit and we go and play on the beach and then collect some rocks and shells for our collection. Love you
-- Meme
- on February 15, 2016
I love my Christmas ornament that I got with your Christmas tree on it. Love you meme
-- Meme
- on February 15, 2016
This one reminds me of our genealogy ....meme works on it all the time. I want to write our names on the puzzle pieces to show our relatives from the past. Love you
-- Meme
- on February 15, 2016
Wow! Tag you are becoming quite the artiste. Your snowman looks a lot like the one you made in your front yard. Love it and love you bunches. Kisses and hugs.
-- Meme
- on February 15, 2016
Great job on the monkey!
-- Mommy
- on January 27, 2016
I love your snowman, Tag! Awesome job! I'm so proud of you!
-- Mom
- on January 27, 2016
WOW! This is your best one yet! The perspective and details are right on. His little tail wrapped around the branch and the leaves on the branch...good eye to details. Love you meme.
-- Meme
- on January 27, 2016
GREAT JOB! I like this a lot.
-- Dad
- on January 27, 2016
Tag, your artwork just keeps getting better. I can't wait to see what you do next. Love mamaw
-- Doris
- on December 25, 2015
Cool picture tag. Good balance on the shapes and colors!
-- Dave
- on December 25, 2015
Tag you do such great work...keep it up and use your creative mind. Love you. Meme and pampy
-- Laura
- on December 25, 2015
Good work Tag! I'm so proud of you!
-- Doris
- on December 25, 2015
Tag you are doing such an awesome job on all your art projects ...meme and pampy are very proud of you. Keep up the awesome work. ????
-- Laura
- on December 25, 2015
Awesome work tag!!!! Pampy is Very proud of you !! Great job!! Love you
-- Pampy
- on December 25, 2015
Tag, your artwork is so amazing! It keeps getting better and better. Love Mamaw
-- Doris
- on December 25, 2015
Awesome Tag! I love your artwork. You are so talented
-- Doris
- on December 25, 2015
Super Cool ! Love your artwork! You are very talented.
-- Doris
- on October 21, 2015
I really like this. Good Job.
-- Dad
- on December 25, 2015
Wow! Tag you are doing an awesome job. You are doing some creative projects. Love them all. Love you tag. Meme
-- Laura
- on December 25, 2015
Love this Tag! Great job!
- on October 20, 2015