Great job, Genna! I especially like the cup with the hearts. -- Gramma
- on February 20, 2019
This is awesome and beautiful! Still not as awesome and beautiful as the artist herself!! -- Patrick
- on February 20, 2019
Obviously this talent has an elegant gene snapping turtles or duck weed. In fact it would not surprise me if the artist had...say...a grandmother and a grandfather who were both published artists. -- Tom
- on November 22, 2017
Beautiful job Muskrat!!! -- Patrick
- on November 22, 2017
Love your vision and independence little muskrat! Don't ever lose that. -- Daddy
- on November 12, 2015
Once again this amazing artist has managed to condense the essence of existence into a simple single shape where the boundaries of imagination clash aesthetically and philosophically with the harsh realities of the limits imposed on the artist by paper and colors. We expect to see Genna178 mature into an artist who meets the world with creativity and dedication to her highest artistic values. Also... she's really cute. -- Funny Granddaddy
- on November 11, 2015
nice colors on your dots. Love it! -- Gramma
- on November 11, 2015
Genna , you are a fabulous artist, like your Funny Granddaddy and your beloved Aunt Gunpmdrop. You have the talent of a wild woman, play hard with it!!!!! -- Gumdrop
- on November 11, 2015
I love your scarecrow! -Mommy
- on October 19, 2015
GREAT picture baby girl!!
- on October 19, 2015
Genna... your work is obviously the heart felt work of a budding artist struggling with the harsh realities of a world where she in constantly minimized. The existential pangs of hope juxtaposed with nap time generate a stress level that is so apparent in your work. Yet, at the same time, there's an obvious love of life and everything it has to offer. Each day is new and precious.... the sun... the trees... the great beauty and gifts of nature.... the daily need to poop. We in the art community will continue to watch your work progress in all ways. -- Tom