Is this a Warhol?? This is great! :) -- Uncle Shawn
- on October 23, 2016
You should call me and explain this one to me :) Good choice of colors! -- Uncle Shawn
- on October 23, 2016
This is really quite amazing. So abstract. I am amazed lil man. I need this one for my wall during the holiday oxox -- Uncle Shawn
- on October 23, 2016
Makai!!! All your artwork is SO good!!! I love it :D I want to frame these and put them up in my house. Great job buddy. It looks like you have fun doing it too. I hope so. Your mom can draw too. Don't let her fool you ;) Love you kid with all my heart -- Uncle Shawn
- on October 23, 2016
Whoa! That's cool! -- Natalia
- on October 6, 2016
Wow Kai! Great job! You are a fantastic artist -- Natalia
- on October 6, 2016
Really Cool.. -- Sharon
- on October 6, 2016
Simple Beautiful .. -- Sharon
- on October 6, 2016
I love the Circles.. I would put this one in a frame .love it Makai?? -- Sharon