Claire6783's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Claire6783's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great coloring, Claire
-- Grandmomsherry
- on February 22, 2018
-- Grandmom Sherry
- on March 2, 2016
Wow, this is very pretty.
-- Grandmom Sherry
- on March 2, 2016
Purple and fun monster! I like the master's feet and the shades of purple you created, Claire. Great job.
-- GrandmomSherry
- on October 25, 2015
A great rug design. Claire, rugs with a pattern are very hard to do and you accomplished with apparent ease. I like your creamy yellow design straight line with the mountain looking line on the brown background with the beige edging. The colors you chose have an elegant look and would make a really pretty area rug for a room. Great job and you are a good thinker with doing this hard project.
-- GrandmomSherry
- on October 15, 2015
Claire, Your dots are beautiful. I like the yellow outside and the pink with the green center dot. The tiny bit of purple really shows the green color well. Wow, you have such a nice shape with color for your dots assignment. I am proud of you and your good work.
-- GrandmomSherry
- on October 15, 2015
Claire, GrandmomSherry likes your lines and such a strong Robot. I like that you did a heart on the chest of the robot and it makes me think this robot is the kindest and strongest Robot, ever! I also like the blue shoes.
-- GrandmomSherry
- on October 15, 2015
Nice robot, Claire!! I can't wait to see more! Keep drawing!!!! Love you. ????
-- Angela
- on October 15, 2015