Cool combo of graphics and you! Enjoying your recent artwork!
- Aunt Meg on May 22, 2024
that's a very coll personal logo! I like the way you explained the elements of graphic design that you used. Grandma
- Beth on May 15, 2024
I enjoyed your animated cupcake! It's interesting to me how you could toss your croc to get the cupcake to pick up the gold.
- Beth on May 15, 2024
Hi Jake - What a cool project! I would love to see this in person! From the picture, I can't really tell what all the objects are, but I love the colors. Great job! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on May 22, 2019
This is a really cool bug, Jake! I really like the colors! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on May 2, 2019
What a cool project, Jake! I love the colors & it looks like it was a lot of fun to weave it! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on March 13, 2019
Great job on your self portrait, Jake! I especially like the baseball cap! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on February 20, 2019
Sorry I missed this one before, Jake. It looks like the planets and stars-cool! grammy -- Lydia
- on January 8, 2019
These are beautiful trees, Jake, with great Fall colors! I could use some of that now with the cold weather. Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on January 8, 2019
Hi Jake, This is really cool! You will have to tell me how you made this! Is it New York City? Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on October 25, 2018
I think this looks like a super hero city for Superman or Super Jake. Your bright red against the black is striking, and your sky is absolutely beautiful! I love the way you used different colors, so it looks like a sunrise or sunset over the city. I also love how you can see the lines of the buildings from the printing and how that affects the colors. Great job!! -- Aunt Meg
- on October 25, 2018
I LOVE YOUR MONSTER!!! It’s so scary and awesome. I love the colors you chose and all of the eyeballs and arms. Your creativity is amazing in both the monster and the background! I think it is so neat that you got this shape from your name, too. A very special extra cool Jacob monster! -- Aunt Meg
- on October 25, 2018
Jacob ~ I LOVE your artwork! I can't wait to get home and show Uncle Ethan! Keep the wonderful artwork up! You are an amazing artist! Love you, Meme -- Meme
- on January 17, 2018
This is a great picture, Jake! It reminds me of a picture called Starry Night painted by a very famous painter named Vincent van Gogh. Who knows, maybe you will be a famous painter some day! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on January 6, 2018
You did a great job with this Jake! I knew as soon as I saw it that you were drawing this snowman as if you were way above his head - and he was looking up at you with a big smile on his face! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on January 6, 2018
This is a very interesting picture, Jake, it looks like modern art. Your color combinations are great! I would like to hear more about this so you could explain what you were learning that day. Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on November 15, 2017
Jacob, I really love this picture because I love Fall, and you did a great job making it look just like Fall! It looks like you made birch trees with the leaves falling & a great big sun peeking through the tree trunks. Your colors are great, & I can't believe how good you are getting with all the detail in your picture! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on October 4, 2017
Hi Jacob! I'm excited to see your first masterpiece of 2nd grade! I really like how you used the colors & shapes together. This picture reminds me of a caterpillar. Can't wait to see more! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on September 20, 2017
Cool cat, Jacob. It looks like Onyx & Tiger! I like your cat's pink nose. Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on May 24, 2017
Hey Jacob! What amazing birds! I love how they look like a rainbow - bright colors are my favorite! Love you! - Aunt Meg -- Aunt Meg
- on April 12, 2017
This heart picture is really cool! I love the bright colors, especially the orange and purple. Great job, Jacob! - Love, Aunt Meg -- Aunt Meg
- on April 12, 2017
Jacob! I love this picture. The flowers look just like ones out in the garden, and your vase/flowerbox is really cool. I like all of the bright colors! Love, Aunt Meg -- Aunt Meg
- on April 12, 2017
I really love this picture, Jake! It looks like you wove the basket for your flowers, & your flowers make me feel like spring! Love, grammy -- Lydia
- on April 12, 2017
Jacob, Your flowers really cheer me up on this gray, rainy day! They are beautiful! I love the bright colors you chose. The woven vase is very pretty, with bright, beautiful colors too! I hope we can plant some flower seeds soon, so that you can grow beautiful flowers in your yard. Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on April 5, 2017
Jacob, I really like your self-portrait! You are becoming a better and better artist! I especially like the colors you used in the background and your fancy frame! Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on March 8, 2017
Hi Jacob, I would like to know more about this artwork because it's a little hard to see online. but I really like the bright colors you chose! They remind me of your favorite sports teams. Your hand is growing. Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on March 8, 2017
Hi Jacob, Your winter scene is very interesting because it has a lot of detail. I like the shade of blue you used. You know I like snowmen. I think that the picture is very cool, and that the picture shows a place that is very cold! Love, Grandma -- Beth - Grandma
- on February 15, 2017
I am getting caught up with all your beautiful artwork! I know the book Miss Amanda mentioned. Have you read it? If not, maybe we can find a copy in the library. I love the beach colors and all the die rent shapes you used! -- Beth - Grandma
- on February 15, 2017
GREAT self-portrait, bud! It looks just like you! Aunt Jill agrees that you are getting to be a really good artist! Love you! grammy & Aunt Jill -- Lydia
- on January 18, 2017
Hi Jake - I LOVE this picture! It reminds me of pictures that Aunt Megan & Aunt Jill drew when they were around your age, & I have them framed, & I hang them in the living room at Christmas time. You are really getting to be a good artist! Love you, grammy -- Lydia
- on January 11, 2017
I like your blue and green fish! I really love the special scale by his head, it reminds me of one of my favorite books about a rainbow fish who shared his special scales with his friends! -- Amanda
- on December 7, 2016
Cool fish! We like that you used "ocean colors" and he has one "blingy" fin! Love you, grammy & Aunt Jill -- Lydia
- on December 7, 2016
Aunt Jill & I are looking at your new artwork - we love it! This is the coolest owl we ever saw! The patterns & colors are great. Is the paper folded? It looks 3D! Love you, grammy & Aunt Jill -- Lydia
- on December 7, 2016
Hi Jacob, I love to see your artwork! Your owl is very colorful. Does he or she have a name? Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on November 23, 2016
These birds are great - they remind me of a rainbow! Love, Grammy -- Lydia
- on November 16, 2016
This picture might be my favorite one you've done so far! It looks like you are fishing and you caught a big one! I like this because I like the ocean, the colors are great, and it looks like you are on a sailboat and I love to sail! Great job, Jake! Love, Grammy -- Lydia
- on November 16, 2016
These birds are so cool! -- Aunt Meg
- on November 4, 2016
What a beautiful picture!! You are so talented! Love you! -- Aunt Meg
- on November 4, 2016
Jacob, I think your seascape is beautiful! I love the colors. What kind of fish is near the boat? Did your fishing trip help you think about what to draw? Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on November 4, 2016
Jacob, Please tell me about your birds1 How did you pick their colors and features? Are they part of a story? Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on November 4, 2016
Jacob, I like all the interesting patterns in your line are work! Keep on creating! Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on November 4, 2016
Jacob, I love this project and your great picture that shows that lines can look many different ways! I've been looking at all of your projects that I haven't seen all summer. They were all very good and I really enjoyed all of them. Keep up the great work! Love, Grammy -- Lydia
- on October 25, 2016
Hi Jacob, What did you think about Where the Wild Things Are? Please tell me how you feel abou the story. I was excited to see your Wild Thing because Where the Wild Things Are is one of my favorite books! I would like to hear you explain what visual texture is. I think your picture is very interesting and colorfu;! Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on October 5, 2016
Hi Jacob, Your pattern pumpkin is very interesting! I like it that you drew so many details.I like the different colors. I would like to hear you tell me about the different things you learned while you were creating this project. I would also like to hear you talk about the different things you used to make your picture. Also, how did you choose the expression that you drew on the pumpkin's face, and why did you choose to draw more than one face? Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on October 5, 2016
Jacob, Your picture looks like it tells a story. Would you please tell me about it when I see you? I like all the windows in the buildings. Love, Grandma -- Grandma (Beth)
- on June 4, 2016
Jacob, I am very happy to see your self-portrait! Your artwork has been showing more and more details as you have progressed through kindergarten. I like the way you drew your eyes and ears. I can't wait to see what you make this summer and in first grade! Love, Grandma -- Grandma (Beth)
- on June 4, 2016
Hi Jacob, I like your colorful lollipop? What flavor is it? How did you like working with Model Magic? Your daddy, aunt and and uncle used it for projects when they were in elementary school. Keep having fun in art class! Love, Grandma -- Grandma (Beth)
- on May 18, 2016
I have a lot of fun seeing your artwork, Jacob! I like Splat the Cat very much! I especially like the pink insides of his ears. How did he get his name? Love, Grandma -- Grandma (Beth)
- on May 3, 2016
This is a really cute cat, Jacob. He looks like Onyx & Tiger! When I see you, I want you to tell me why his name is Splat. Love, Grammy -- Lydia
- on May 3, 2016
I just noticed that I never commented on this picture. I don't know why because I remember looking at it and thinking that I loved it!! Did you trace your hands holding the flowers? That's what I like best about it! Love, Grammy -- Lydia
- on May 3, 2016
This is a really great looking fish Jacob! He is very colorful, and he looks like he is smiling. Uh oh, is that a fish hook in front of him? Great job! Love you! Grammy -- Lydia
- on April 25, 2016
Hi Jacob, I like this drawing a lot, I really like the bright rainbow of color that you made with your squiggly and zig zag lines! Watercolors are one of my favorite things to color and paint with. -- Amanda
- on April 23, 2016
Hi Jacob, I love your fish artwork! It reminds me of a book that I read when I was younger about a Rainbow Fish that was very colorful just like your fish! -- Amanda
- on April 23, 2016
Hi Jacob, Would you please tell me all about "Only-One-You Fish?" I notice all the colors. Do I see Penguins/Steelers/Pirates colors and Orioles colors? Did you include your favorite colors and Ally's favorite colors? What about Mommy's and Daddy's favorite colors? What is on the ocean floor in front of the fish? I think it looks like a blue crab. Is the fish blowing bubbles? I think he is a happy fish because he is smiling. I can't wait to see you later so that we can look at your picture together! Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on April 21, 2016
Your flowers have beautiful colors, Jacob! -- Grandma (Beth)
- on April 12, 2016
Hi Jacob! YOur monster reminds me of a rainbow and a caterpillar! What are the things that are growing out of the monster's head! I love seeing your artwork! I hope you are having a lot of fun creating it! Lots of love! -- Grandma (Beth)
- on March 18, 2016
I didn't see this robot before - I missed him! But it is really good; you made him look like he is walking with stiff legs, just like a robot does. Love, Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Megan & Aunt Jill -- Lydia
- on March 14, 2016
Hi Jacob. This is the most colorful monster I ever saw! We all think he looks like a nice monster, not a mean one. Great job! Love, Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Megan & Aunt Jill -- Lydia
- on March 14, 2016
Jacob, I llove the Monster artwork! The colors are fantastic! I hope you are having fun doing all these amazing art projects! We are so proud! Love, Meme, JoeJoe and Uncle Ethan! -- Tracey
- on March 11, 2016
Hi Jacob, Your robot is very interesting and colorful! Did you choose the shapes? What is the robot's name? You are doing a great job with art class! Love, Grandma -- Grandma (Beth)
- on February 19, 2016
Jacob, I'll bet Elmer loves his coat of many colors! That is one great looking elephant! Is that a snowman behind him and a moon up in the sky? Love you & your artwork! Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Megan & Aunt Jill -- Lydia
- on February 12, 2016
What is your snowman's name? Do you think it will snow again this month? -- Beth (Grandma)
- on February 11, 2016
I really like your colorful elephant! Tell me what he is doing in the pircture. Who is behind him? Did you know that your daddy's Pop Pop's middle name was Elmer? Love, Grandma -- Beth (Grandma)
- on February 11, 2016
Hi Jacob, This is my favorite one so far because I LOVE snowmen! You are really getting to be a good artist! Love, Grammy -- Lydia
- on December 12, 2015
Jacob, we loved the colors you mixed to paint your mice! I especially liked the mousey smiles & their little mousey feet! Can't wait to see more! Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Megan & Aunt Jill -- Lydia
- on November 13, 2015
I like the your mouse paint colors ver much, Jacob! I love seeing your art work! Love, Grandma -- Beth
- on November 12, 2015
I love your new artwork! Keep up the great work! -- Meme
- on November 9, 2015
Hi Jacob - What a great surprise to see your artwork in our email! We all love your picture with the wiggly lines and the beautiful rainbow! Thanks for sending it! Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Megan & Aunt Jill -- Grammy & Grandpa
- on November 9, 2015
Jacob, I love your picture! You did an amazing job! I can't wait to show it to Uncle Ethan after school! Keep up the great work! I love you ~ Meme -- Tracey
- on November 5, 2015
Your picture is beautiful, Jacob! I love the way you painted the rainbow with the wiggly lines! Keep making art! I look forward to seeing more of your work. Love, Grandma -- Beth