Vincent4286's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Vincent4286's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Vincent, your artwork not only looks realistic like a picture in a recipe book, it also looks delicious, good job! love you
- Isabella on March 27, 2024
Dear Vincent, your detail of the pine branches and of the snow on them and on the decorations looks so realistic, your drawing looks like a photo, you have a great eye for detail, keep up the good work love you
- Isabella on March 27, 2024
Vincent Great job on this breakfast plate!! Makes me hungry for pancakes and waffles lol. Love you, love grandma
- Christie aka Grandma on March 27, 2024
Hi Vincent, I guess my comment got lost but here it goes again. I really love your latest artwork, I find it to be very realistic and each of your drawings show how much your talent is developing throughout the years. Keep up the good work, Love you.
- Isabella on March 6, 2024
Vincent has always been fascinated by Spider-Man. it’s not a surprise to me that he would do a great job drawing him!! Great job Vincent. Grandma loves you!!
- Christie on March 6, 2024
Hi Vincent, love your drawing, it's very realistic, it shows how much you have evolved in your drawing talent, each year getting better and better. Keep up the good work! Love you
- Isabella on March 6, 2024
Hi Vincent, love how you created the appearance of roundness in your artwork, the colors add a three-dimensional look to it. Great work!
- Isabella and Frank on April 20, 2022
Dear Vincent, nice work, reminds us of the summertime with the beautiful nature all dressed in green and the balloon festivals. Love you
- Isabella and Frank on April 20, 2022
Dear Vincent, loved your creativity to represent abstract art, keep up the good work.
- Isabella on February 9, 2022
Hi Vincent, Love your artwork, it shows a very peaceful and tranquil setting. Good work. Love,
- Isabella on February 9, 2022
Dear Vincent, another very nice work of art reflecting your talent and imagination. Well done. Love
- Frank and Isabella on June 18, 2021
Hi vincent, We loved your combination of colors and the drawing itself is great. Keep up the good work. Love you.
- Frank & Isabella on June 18, 2021
Dear Vincent, I just love your dragonfly artwork, you have a great photographic memory. Keep up the good work.
- Isabella on June 18, 2021
Dear Vincent, love your creativity and imagination, keep up the good work. Love,
- Isabella on June 18, 2021
Dear Vincent, Love your artistic talent. Keep up the good work. Love,
- Isabella on June 18, 2021
Very nice drawing, Vincent, I always look forward to seeing your newest artwork, keep it up. Love
- Isabella on June 18, 2021
Dear Vincent, Your artwork piece is so nice and very creative. Keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing future artistic pieces created by my favorite artist (you).
- Isabella on June 18, 2021
Great job, Vincent, I am looking forward to seeing more of your artwork.
-- Isabella
- on June 18, 2021
Wow Vincent, that's a very cool looking monster, great work!!
-- Isabella
- on June 18, 2021
Love the cherry blossoms picture, but the truth is I love all of the other pictures as well especially the ones with the butterflies, bugs and nature in general. Good job, keep up the good work. I am looking forward to seeing future drawings and paintings by you.
-- Isabella
- on April 3, 2019
Vincent, Grandma is very proud of your drawings/paintings!! Not sure which one I want to get on a t-shirt or Mug !! Love you buddy xoxo
-- Christie
- on April 3, 2019