He looks like he has taken off in flight. Love the orange feet! -- Didi
- on February 3, 2019
A beautiful wintery night. The shading and colors are what makes this so nice. -- Didi
- on February 3, 2019
A beautiful painting - reminds me of Van Gough's Starry Night -- Didi
- on February 3, 2019
What an excellent reflection picture! I love how the reflected images are a little fuzzy, which shows that this is a lake or stream. -- Diane
- on February 3, 2019
A beautiful seacoast drawing - I especially like the way you showed the building reflections in the water. I'd love to spend the day there. -- Didi
- on February 3, 2019
Your butterfly is bright and beautiful! I love the way you got the reflective patterns and colors so perfect! -- Didi
- on February 3, 2019
A beautiful peaceful underwater scene, complete with plants and bubbles. I love the big fish on the left! -- Diane
- on February 3, 2019
This patchwork pig is precious! I love his expression, and that curly tail. -- Didi
- on February 3, 2019
I wish I could see this beautiful butterfly visiting my yard! -- Didi
- on February 3, 2019
This is so good! The background looks like a rubbing from a tin ceiling; the colors of red, yellow, white and red in the clothing the figure has on - CLASSIC MIRO! And that little red star at the bottom is just the right touch to balance out the elements. -- Didi
- on February 3, 2019
Gramps and I love this one. All the different shades of blue, the different shaped sails and the details on the boat itself make you feel like you could find this exact boat moored in the harbor anywhere. -- Didi and Gramp
- on February 11, 2017
This is my FAVORITE! I can just see these sunflowers in their field, with the lady beetles enjoying their spots on the leaves. -- Didi