Ava13074's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Ava13074's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great going, Ava. Your quite the artist.
-- Pat
- on May 31, 2016
Great work, Ava. Great work, Aval Luv Grandma
-- Pat
- on February 17, 2016
Looks just like the actual cartoon Ava - Way to go
-- Mom
- on December 16, 2015
Thanks for doing such a good job - looks wonderful
-- Trish
- on December 1, 2015
Ava - Great job with wire - not easy. Proud of you!!
-- Trish
- on December 1, 2015
You are quite the artist. Love the pic and you.
-- Pat
- on November 19, 2015
Ava, love looking at your art work. You are very talented. Anxious to hear about your art work. Plan to order one of your treasures.
-- Babchi
- on November 18, 2015
Nice creative piece Ava - thanks for sharing it
-- mom
- on November 18, 2015
Nice job ava. Love seeking your artwork.
-- Trish
- on November 5, 2015
You are a great artist Ava, love ya.
-- Patricia
- on November 5, 2015
Love all three projects Ava. Way to go!
-- Mom
- on November 5, 2015
Great job Ava!
- on November 2, 2015