I really like the jewelry and hair bows you've put on her. That really brightens the whole picture! Love, Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on February 21, 2018
Very nice! You must just naturally know how to put colors together since pinks and greens have always been considered complimentary to one another! Love, Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on February 5, 2018
You showed everyone looking at this what you see and how you feel when you're on stage. Very mature artwork! Love, Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on January 4, 2018
I really love the colors you've put together here! The way the colors fuse in and out of the borders looks exactly how a watercolor work should look --- GREAT JOB!! Love, Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on November 8, 2017
Wow Delilah! You really made that vase look like it has depth from the side,...like a person can tell how thick the vase is! Once again you've put up some really nice artwork. Love the mix of flowers! Love, Gramma Jimmie -- Kim
- on May 11, 2017
Nice decorative purse and I like the detail in the outfit. Great job!! Love, Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on March 30, 2017
This really took some imagination to create 2 characters into this 1 picture of weaving. Love, Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on March 30, 2017
Very good job of getting the sizes of the features close to accurate . Especially at this age! Love , Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on March 30, 2017
I love the way you've put together the different textures in this picture. They all fit very well. Love, Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on March 30, 2017
Wow,..this is so-o-o good! I love the blankets that show the different interests and designs that everybody likes. What an imagination!! Love, Gramma Kimmie -- Kim
- on March 30, 2017
Dude this piece rocks! Love the colors. -- Kris
- on November 7, 2016
Great job sweetie!I like the different colors in the background and the different sizes in your buildings,..just like you'd see in everyday life. Keep up the great work and using your imagination!! -- Kim
- on January 14, 2016
Another great job with your artwork! I think I was at least twice your age before I learned how to use reflections in art. I'm very impressed! -- Gramma Kimmie
- on December 9, 2015
Wow!! I absolutely love this Delilah! It shows great attention to putting the right amounts of colors against each other for a balanced look! Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see what you have on here next!! -- Gramma Kimmie