I love the Penguin!! Looks great, sweetie! -- Kate
- on December 18, 2015
Beautiful work Adam! Love Auntie Sandi -- Sandi
- on December 18, 2015
Way to go Adam, your art work looks awesome! Love ya! -- Papa Greg
- on December 18, 2015
Hey Adam , Great artwork buddy. -- Greg. (Papa)
- on November 23, 2015
Adam, This is an beautiful painting! Looks like you're taking after your mommy with painting skills!! Love you, dude! Keep being you. -Mommy -- Kate
- on November 23, 2015
I love your artwork! You need to frame that one! It is beautiful. You must take after your mother. Love Sandi, Your Godmother -- Sandi
- on November 23, 2015
Adam, this is a wonderful piece of art!!! Your use of color and texture is amazing. I am so proud of your work on this and can't wait to see more! -- Mima