Carson6486's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Carson6486's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is great C-Money!! Very proud of you! Love - Dad.
- Chris (Father) on November 6, 2019
Nice job, Carson. Love you. Nana and Paoa.
- Karen on November 6, 2019
Love this picture, Carson. Great job !! Love you, Nana
-- Karen
- on January 10, 2019
Great art Carson!
-- Grandma Debs!
- on December 20, 2018
Good job Carson Love grandma debs
-- Debbie
- on September 13, 2017
Carson. Great work. I like your picture Love granda debs
-- Debbie
- on September 13, 2017
Love it Carson!
-- Calli
- on June 15, 2017
Great art work, Carson. Thanks for sharing your pictures with me. Love you. Nana.
-- Karen
- on January 4, 2017
Good job Carson! Like your work! Love. Grandma debs
-- Debbie
- on November 17, 2016
Really nice work, Carson. Love you!
-- Nana
- on December 9, 2015
Nice work, Carson.
- on December 9, 2015
Really good work Carson! Keep it up! Love Grandma Debs!
-- Debbie
- on November 5, 2015
I like this picture a lot. Is that you on the bottom ?
-- Karen
- on November 5, 2015
Love all your pictures. They're so colorful.
-- Nana
- on November 5, 2015 just get better and Grandma debs
-- Grandma Debs
- on November 5, 2015
Great picture Carson! Love, Mom
- on October 8, 2015
Carson...great do good work! Love grandma Debs!
-- Debbie
- on October 8, 2015
Hi Carson. We LOVE your artwork. Good job!! Nana and Papa
-- Karen
- on October 8, 2015
Papa's new favorite artist.!!!great job Carson!
-- Mark
- on October 8, 2015