John19940's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about John19940's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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How'd you do that?! I like it!
- Samantha (Mother) on January 6, 2020
That's neat! Fingers??
- Samantha (Mother) on January 6, 2020
That is really Kewl ! It looks like it is really wet !!!
- Grandma Judy on January 6, 2020
That's cool! Even if it's a snake! Lol
- Samantha (Mother) on December 9, 2019
Very Unique !! Love it !
-- Grandma Judy
- on June 5, 2019
You are so talented !
-- Grandma Judy
- on May 8, 2019
That's really pretty!!!
-- Samantha
- on April 29, 2019
That is really Kewl ! You have artistic talent like your mom!
-- Grandma Judy
- on April 23, 2019
That's really awesome! It messes with your eyes!
-- Samantha
- on February 25, 2019
I wish i was as good an artist as you are !!
-- Grandma Judy
- on March 6, 2019
-- thanos
- on December 26, 2018
Awesome! Is this the original or the 2nd one?
-- Samantha
- on December 14, 2018
What a pretty flower !
-- Grandma Judy
- on May 23, 2018
-- Samantha
- on May 17, 2018
Great Job !!!I want Chocolate !
-- Grandma Judy
- on May 2, 2018
Oh my goodness! I love it!
-- Samantha
- on April 24, 2018
You have your mom's talent !
-- Grandma Judy
- on March 22, 2018
That's awesome!
-- Samantha
- on March 15, 2018
Way to go J J !!
-- Grandma Judy
- on March 22, 2018
That is so cool!
-- Samantha
- on March 13, 2018
That's so cool! Kinda looks 3D.
-- Samantha
- on February 5, 2018
-- human
- on January 29, 2018
i like it
-- human
- on January 29, 2018
-- human
- on January 29, 2018
Love my new tree ornament ! Thank You !
-- Grandma Judy
- on January 18, 2018
Way to go J J !!!!!
-- Grandma Judy
- on January 18, 2018
Love those flowers !!!!
-- Grandma Judy
- on December 6, 2017
Beautiful tulips !!
-- Grandma Judy
- on May 24, 2017
Kewl Dragon !!!!!
-- Grandma Judy
- on April 10, 2017
Great Job !!! That will look great on your wall !!!!!
-- Grandma Judy
- on April 10, 2017
Nice Pumpkin !!!
-- Grandma Judy
- on March 24, 2017
Really nice trees!
-- Samantha
- on March 7, 2017
Nice trees !!
-- Grandma Judy
- on March 1, 2017
Great Artiste !!!!
-- Grandma Judy
- on January 26, 2017
That's so awesome JJ!
-- Samantha
- on January 18, 2017
Nice lizard ! Never seen one with a tail like that. Great drawing !
-- Grandma Judy
- on January 18, 2017
Nice job !! You have acquired your moms talent !!
-- Grandma Judy
- on March 6, 2016
Great job JJ!
-- Samantha
- on January 13, 2016