Spencer4907's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Spencer4907's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love it Spencer. Love Nana/Debbie
-- Debbie/Nana
- on January 16, 2019
Wow Spencer. That picture looks like something we found at the Beneski Museum.
-- Papa
- on October 23, 2018
Very nice Spencer. Love Nana
-- Debbie/Nana
- on October 23, 2018
Wow. Using all those colors reminds me of "The Day The Crayons Quit". The colors should all be quite happy.
-- Papa
- on October 23, 2018
Good Job Spencer
-- Grammie
- on October 23, 2018
I agree with you. I like colorful things also.
-- Papa
- on October 23, 2018
Spencer, I love your art work. Keep it up your a great artist. Love you, Nana
-- Debbie
- on October 23, 2018