Reed, this is really really good!! Of course the colors you picked are very nice!! Way to go Reed!!!!! Love, Grandma H
- on April 30, 2016
Reed, this art project you did is great! I love the colors you used. Looks like you took your time because the dots are so clear. Good job, Reed! Love, Grandma h -- gRandma H
- on January 22, 2016
Hi Reed, I really like this art. You did a nice job. This is going to be fun to see all your Art work. See you tomorrow! Love, Grandma H -- Grandma H
- on November 25, 2015
Hi Reed, This will be so much fun to see your art!! I will look forward to seeing your Art! Thanks for including me. Love, Grandma H -- Grandma H
- on December 2, 2015
Hi Reed! I love your use of color in this work of art! The bright colors contrast nicely against the dark background. I am proud of you! Love, -Dad -- Parent