Joseph20506's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Joseph20506's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Joseph: I like your drawing, which to me, is a great colorful turtle! Did you know that Mom-Mom has a large collection of turtles?
-- Pop-Pop
- on January 24, 2016
Turtles are special, Joseph, and I think yours is neat. I like his shell. It is so colorful and unique! I am so glad I got to see it.
-- Mom-mom
- on January 24, 2016
Great work! This looks like the real deal buddy! I like the turtle's tail.
-- Duane
- on January 20, 2016
Your artwork for a Chagall House is special, Joseph. I see a winter scene at night and a snowman. You spent lots of time to create your picture and it shows!
-- Mom-mom
- on November 13, 2015
There is so much to see in your ZENtangle. I see a bull, a steer, a man, 2 creatures, the name Stacy and something that looks like a Christmas tree ball. Looks like you put a lot of effort and thought into it. You are a good artist!
-- Mom-mom
- on October 27, 2015
Wow, Joseph, a sneaky cat coming into the picture. I loved his tail, so clever!. It was so fun to see!
-- Mom-mom
- on October 16, 2015
Wow! That is quite spectacular Joseph! Love it!
-- Pop-Pop
- on October 16, 2015