Merry Christmas ... hope to see you soon. Interesting ... I'm guessing this is about setting up a timer for your own portrait. ??? -- MeeMa
- on January 6, 2016
Hi there. And you would be singing from the "Sound of Music" movie, "These are a few of my favorite things." -- MeeMa
- on November 23, 2015
Greetings Kaitlyn. I like the shadow and you used it as part of the composition as it is completely there to the right of the pumpkin, so whether you intended to or not you did use it even if the high/low ... pumpkin/leaves were your main focus. Shadows show depth and light source. Lights and darks are always part of a piece of art, other wise they are flat. All those favorite Disney movies that are cartoons (not live) are flat drawings (either paper/cellulose or digital) that use light and dark shades of color to to bring life to them. So even though this is a black & white photo, there shades caused by light. I can also tell that the pumpkin is sitting in the leaves and not hanging above them, because of the way the shadow is projected on the leaves. Good job, I can hardly wait for you to start using color. I know how many colors there must have been in those leaves. -- MeeMa
- on November 23, 2015
Your talents truly amaze me! -- Michelle
- on November 21, 2015
Love this one! And I can't wait to see more!! -- Michelle
- on November 21, 2015
Another nice piece of work Kaitlyn. I can see that those shoes and ball have given you some happiness. -- Joan
- on November 21, 2015
Nice picture Kaitlyn. You had a great idea there and that you recognize the fact that standing in another position will eliminate the shadow. I have had the honor of viewing some of your awesome photos-keep up the good work. -- Joan
- on November 21, 2015
Kaitlyn I knew that was Wesley the minute it came up. You are a fantastic artist. -- Joan
- on November 3, 2015
This is definitely an area that I understand the rules better ... hahaheee :D Enjoy!!! And I will enjoy too. -- MeeMa
- on November 2, 2015
Your artwork amazes me. You are so talented. Love you bunches. Look forward to seeing more of your work -- Gayla