I love this print! The blue color is so pretty and calming. Your river otter is so cute! Great work Katie!
- Mom on December 11, 2019
What a beautiful use of colors and a wonderful imagination, Katie. I really enjoy seeing what you can create. -- Pete
- on July 5, 2018
Katie Grace, I am so glad that your school let's you share you art with me. I love the way you use colors to tell your picture stories. Be sure to look for your magnet on my fridge when you visit. Love you bunches!!! -- GrandmaBarbara
- on June 7, 2017
Katie, your pumpkin is beautiful. I love your use of color--it looks like the sun is shining on the middle of your pumpkin. It is ready for Thanksgiving. -- Grandma Barb
- on November 16, 2016
Hey Katie I love this owl. It should be made into a cartoon or a LPS!!! Whoooobert the hoot owl!!!! -- Dad
- on November 9, 2016
Katie, I love your vibrant colors in your picture! -- GrandmaBarb
- on November 9, 2016
This picture makes me think about Christmas. All that snow falling and sparkling on the trees. Where are all the presents? Grandpa Pete -- Pete
- on March 22, 2016
Katie, I love your use of color. Your picture is so cheerful. -- Grandma Barb
- on March 15, 2016
I love the pretty colors in your sky. It looks like trees when it's starting to get dark. It must be winter-no leaves on the trees and there are sparkly snowflakes falling. I love your picture! Love, Mommy -- Jennifer