Isabella15022's Comments (37)

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Below are comments about Isabella15022's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Isabella --- What a nice picture! Were you studying about queens or is that a picture of your Mom the queen? I am in Florida at the boat show. I have had many people ask about your Mom. Love you. (Try not to drive your Mom crazy, at least until you are a little older.) When are we getting together? I have presents in my closet for you.
-- Michele
- on June 6, 2018
I love the flowers. It makes me think of spring. I hope you are doing well in school and home. Don't drive your Mom crazy and hopefully she isn't driving you crazy. Love you
-- Michele
- on November 2, 2017
Hi honey Great job on your fall leaves! I love the fall. Christmas will be here very shortly. Do you have a Christmas list? Love you!
-- Michele
- on November 2, 2017
Hi Isabella.... I love your picture and you too. Hope the school year is going well and you are being sassy to your Mom (in a good way) because your Mom is pretty sassy!
-- Michele
- on September 27, 2017
OMG I still have Jordans artwork that looks just like this. Nice job
-- Michele
- on July 19, 2017
Beautiful flowers. I can't wait to plant some flowers. We are getting closer to our summer date! Love you!
-- Michele
- on July 19, 2017
Great Easter egg honey. Happy Easter! I love you.
-- Michele
- on April 7, 2017
Wonderful elephant! I think we should go on a safari to Africa and rise an elephant. Maybe your Mom and Dad could come?
-- Michele
- on April 7, 2017
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! I love you
-- Michele
- on March 23, 2017
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture. I also love you. Can't wait for our summer dates!
-- MIchele
- on March 15, 2017
Happy Valentines Day! I love the picture. It is made with lots of love by a special young lady.
-- Michele
- on February 15, 2017
Hi Sweet Girl, I love getting to see what you make. You do a great job. It is also fun to look at the things you made all year. We are getting closer to our summer date. We should schedule something or maybe two dates? I am looking forward to nice weather! Love you!!!
-- michele
- on February 15, 2017
-- Aaron
- on January 4, 2017
What a cute elf!!!
-- Michele
- on January 4, 2017
Hi Ms. Isabella, I like the mitten but I do not like the cold weather. I think we should move to Florida in the winter and come back in the summer. I guess we can't do that but I can wish. The weather has been nice for November. What are you going to do for Thanksgiving. Please give me a hint what you want for Christmas. it is only 42 days away! Love, Michele
-- Michele
- on November 16, 2016
Nice picture! Hope you are doing well. This weekend was so nice. Tell your Mom that I will not be able to make graduation because I am taking Alyssa on vacation from December 3rd until the 10th. I am very sad about missing it. We are going to Florida to see my nephew and new great niece that was adopted. Love you!
-- Michele
- on November 16, 2016
Nice job!!
-- Auntielori
- on November 8, 2016
Hi Honey, Happy Halloween to a very special young lady! I love the picture. It was a very good idea to put a patch on your pumpkin. I hope we get to go to lunch and visit soon. We will have to wait for it to get warmer to go swimming. Love you! Tell your Mom to behave :-)
-- Michele
- on October 19, 2016
She loves art, thank God because her mother and father cannot help her with it!
-- Soledad
- on October 13, 2016
Isabella, Nice job on the pirate. I am looking forward to seeing you this summer. Lets make a date to go swimming!
-- michele
- on October 19, 2016
Hi honey! This is my favorite picture that you have made. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. This is a very nice 'bug'. Love you! When are we going for lunch?
-- Michele
- on April 28, 2016
Hi Isabella, I love the flowers but I was wondering if you can make it stop snowing.
-- Michele
- on April 20, 2016
I love, love her imagination!!!
-- Soledad
- on April 5, 2016
Isabella, Happy Easter to you and your family!!! We have to have a lunch date soon. Great job on the bunny. I hope we can see the grass on Easter and not the snow. The poor Easter bunny is going to be awfully cold this year.
-- Michele
- on March 29, 2016
Isabella, I rubbed him for good luck. I think you should name him Walter Wilbur! What do you think? Love, Your friend Michele PS Do you think your Mom will ever let us go swimming together this summer?
-- Michele
- on March 3, 2016
Isabella may love this snowy penguin, but her mother wants sunshine and 90th degrees!!! Love her creativity!
-- Soledad
- on February 24, 2016
I love the penguin but not all the snow. I am anxious for the warmer weather to come. Love you lots!
-- Michele
- on February 24, 2016
Whenever I see her art pieces I wonder were she gets it from :-) Love my child!
-- Soledad
- on February 5, 2016
How did you make that heart? This is really neat. Happy Valentines Day!!!
-- Michele
- on February 5, 2016
I love her imagination!!!!
-- Soledad
- on January 21, 2016
That is a scary Monster but I bet he is really nice like you. Hugs to you!
-- Michele
- on January 21, 2016
You are a great artist. I love this picture. Is it everything you want for Christmas?
-- Michele
- on December 17, 2015
Hi honey.. I saw Rudolph the other day and he looked just like this. Great job on the picture. What do you want for Christmas. When are you going to meet me for lunch again. I miss you lots.
-- Michele
- on November 25, 2015
Beautiful! simply beautiful
-- Soledad
- on November 21, 2015
Isabella, I LOVE you house! The colors are wonderful. The snow is very pretty but I still do not like it. You know that your Mom really loves you Dad because she came from Florida to marry him. I can't wait to see more pictures. Love you.
-- Michele
- on November 13, 2015
This is so beautiful!! Great job Isabella!
-- Auntielori
- on October 21, 2015
What a beautiful piece of artwork, Isabella! I look forward to seeing more of your work!
-- AuntieLori
- on October 13, 2015