Now that's really cool! Really like the colors you used. Great work Owen. -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on May 9, 2018
Love the flowers Owen, I hope the real ones come soon and are just as pretty as yours! -- Mom & Dad
- on April 25, 2018
Beautifully arranged hearts, great work Owen! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on February 28, 2018
I do believe I see King Owen, great self portrait! -- Grandma and Grandpa Preder
- on February 11, 2018
Owen your portrait is fantastic, I like the details you added to the eyes and chin! -- Mom & Dad
- on February 11, 2018
Owen, it's beautiful! I love your creativity! -- Mom and Dad
- on November 24, 2017
Wow, they are gorgeous! I love you colors you picked Owen, and the background makes them all the prettier!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on November 24, 2017
Fun, fun, fun. Someone looks really happy about mittens, hat and snow! Great artwork Owen! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on November 22, 2017
Awesome work Owen! Makes me excited for a snowy day! -- Mom and dad
- on November 22, 2017
Great detail Owen in this drawing, the colors blend together beautifully! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on October 26, 2017
You are a fantastic artist! Great work Owen! -- Amanda
- on October 18, 2017
Beautiful time of the year and Owen your drawings is really looking like the season, great job Owen! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on October 4, 2017
Owen I see the resemblance in you, great features and a great drawing!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on October 4, 2017
Wow Owen! I can't wait for you to tell us more about this one! -- Mom and Dad
- on September 27, 2017
Awesome fall colors, love your artwork! -- Mom and Dad
- on September 27, 2017
This is fantastic Owen! I loved the home you built for it! -- Mom
- on May 28, 2017
Great work Owen, I'm sure this was another art project you really enjoyed working on! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on May 28, 2017
Wow Owen, you did a fantastic job! I love your creativity! -- Mom
- on April 14, 2017
What a beautiful bouquet of flowers, great colors, love the different types of flowers you designed, great art Owen! XOXO -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on April 14, 2017
Happy Easter Owen, you did a fantastic job on this! I love the spring colors! -- Mom
- on April 11, 2017
Owen this is really cool, we do see the Easter Bunny peaking out! Soon something will be in your Easter Basket! XOXO -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on April 11, 2017
Owen looks awesome! You told me about this the other night, now I am really glad I got to see it! You did great! - Mom and Dad -- Mom and Dad
- on April 5, 2017
Lucky, lucky Leprechaun! Awesome Owen!! -- Mom
- on March 19, 2017
Now that's one happy looking Leprechaun, great job Owen!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on March 19, 2017
Love, love, love! Love you Owen! -- Mom
- on March 8, 2017
Now this is the best "Cat in the Hat" we've ever seen! Great job Owen!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on March 8, 2017
Owen, I LOVE this one. You are amazing!!! -- Mom
- on February 3, 2017
Owen we love how you expressed your entire loving family in this drawing, beautiful! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on February 3, 2017
Owen you stole our hearts with this drawing! Beautiful!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on February 3, 2017
Owen this is awesome! You did such a neat job, I see you even got some green and gold in there for the Packers! -- Mom
- on January 25, 2017
You are the best looking elf I know! So handsome! -- Mom & Dad
- on December 27, 2016
Oh Owen, you are the most adorable "Elf" I've ever seen! This artwork is great! -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on December 27, 2016
Great job Owen, we love seeing all your creative artwork! Love you lots! Mom and dad -- Amanda
- on November 19, 2016
Adorable, just like Frosty, nice work Owen! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on November 19, 2016
Wow, what a awesome pumpkin, love all the shapes you used, great imagination!! Love you!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on November 7, 2016
Owen this is great, we're so proud you! Love, -- Grandpa and Grandma P
- on November 1, 2016
LOVE it Owen!! You have lots of good work! Love mom & dad! -- mom and dad
- on October 31, 2016
Now that's one great looking pumpkin, love the different colors you used, the reddish color almost looks like the pumpkin you found at the Pumpkin Patch today!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on October 23, 2016
Awesome job, Owen! You will be a great firefighter when you are older! -- Mom and Dad
- on October 17, 2016
Owen this is such a great picture of a fire truck, we know how much you respect the firemen and women, especially your dad, and all they do for us! Love, grandma and grandpa -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on October 17, 2016
Owen I know what you have on your mind, this great drawing tells it all, so impressed once again!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on June 4, 2016
Owen, I love that you put two of your favorite things together for this & Legos! Great work! -- Love, mom and dad
- on May 22, 2016
Owen this is really cool, we an tell you put a lot of work into the details on your ladybugs, super cute! xoxo -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on April 29, 2016
Owen this is really cool, you really did a great job! Love these! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on May 9, 2016
These are beautiful, great color choices, love these! -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on April 14, 2016
Owen these are adorable, maybe we can make this to put up at our house. Love -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on April 10, 2016
Looks awesome! -- Mom & Dad
- on April 8, 2016
Great Job Owen, Happy Easter! Love you lots, mom & dad -- Amanda
- on March 25, 2016
How creative Owen, great work! XOXO -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on March 25, 2016
Nice colors & design! You are a great artist! Mom & Dad -- Amanda
- on March 9, 2016
Awesome St. Patty's Day Owen! Love it! Mom & Dad -- Amanda
- on March 9, 2016
Looks like you you had fun with this art project, it's beautiful! Love, -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on March 9, 2016
What a beautiful heart, so many details and fun colors, great job!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on February 7, 2016
Awesome work Owen!!!! -- Love Mom & Dad
- on February 7, 2016
Owen, you do great work. We LOVE seeing them! Mom & Dad -- Amanda
- on December 7, 2015
Owen your Gingerbread Man is adorable!! -- Grandma and Grandpa P
- on December 7, 2015
Love it Owen, great work!!!! -- Mom & Dad
- on November 30, 2015
Hi Owen, Such a great drawing, we love all the colors you used, an artist you're becoming! -- Grandma and Grandpa P