Maxwell2700's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Maxwell2700's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Max, this is awesome. your art is really progressing and I enjoy seeing it. Please continue to share! Luv you buddy! Xoxo
-- Aunt Sara
- on January 25, 2017
Wow! Great embroidery skills max! This is quite a tapestry!
-- Aunt Sara
- on January 25, 2017
Beautiful! Looks tasty :) keep up the great work!
-- Aunt Sara
- on April 27, 2016
Hi Max, I always enjoy seeing your artwork ???? Mamo
-- Mamo
- on April 27, 2016
Max I love the picture of your city. It is so colorful it makes me happy. The school bus is a neat detail. Are you on the bus? I love you, keep painting!
-- Grammy
- on April 2, 2016
Max, I love the bright colors you used. Your artwork is really developing and I can tell your working hard. Keep it up, artist! Love you tons. Xoxo
-- Sara
- on April 27, 2016
This is gorgeous! I love the colors you used on your bowl and wonder what you will use this for? Love you, ain't Sara
-- Aunt sara
- on December 5, 2015
Wow are so creative! !! You must have fun in art class!
-- Grammy
- on December 5, 2015
Hey Max, I saw your new artwork. Did you use water colors or crayons or maybe paint! I'd love to know more about your art. We can catch up when Pop and I come to Herndon. Love, Mamo ??
-- Mamo
- on December 1, 2015
Great job max! Really enjoy viewing your artwork. Love, aunt Sara
-- Aunt Sara
- on December 1, 2015
Max your artwork is so good! I love seeing it online!
-- Grammy
- on November 12, 2015
Max, I love seeing your art. Mamo
-- Mamo
- on November 11, 2015