Levi3760's Comments (51)

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Below are comments about Levi3760's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow, I'm amazed! This is absolutely professional stuff! This needs to be up on someone's wall ( mine)! Thank you for sharing this charming chickadee artwork.
-- Nana
- on June 5, 2019
That looks like the chickadees that come to my bird feeders.... well done Levi...
-- Grandma Marj
- on June 5, 2019
wow that is 2019 coming in with a lot of beautiful colour...
-- Grandma Marj
- on January 20, 2019
Happy New Year !!! 2019 is going to be a great year by the looks of these brilliant fireworks! Great job !
-- Nana
- on January 20, 2019
What a pretty combination of colors for your trees. The watercolour sky is the perfect finishing touch. Did you have fun creating this ?
-- Nana
- on January 20, 2019
The true North! Your cute polar bears with the Northern lights background is delightful! I love the blending of pink, blue, yellow& green. Great work.
-- Nana
- on January 20, 2019
those are very happy looking bears and the northern lights are a terrific use of colour...
-- Gram
- on January 20, 2019
This is so cute. I love the little piles of snow, especially the ones on the cardinal's heads.Poor guys ! Using pastels, watercolours & salt techniques is impressive....you are learning a lot. Wonderful winter scene, Levi!
-- Nana
- on January 20, 2019
Levi your field of poppies is really well done and I found very touching for Remembrance Day... Aunt Amanda & Uncle Todd thought you did so well too... plus I loved the "monster" on the last once sorry I am a little behind in my viewing... Grandma Marj
-- Gram
- on January 20, 2019
Thank you for creating and sharing this beautiful field of poppies in memory of our soldiers.
-- Nana
- on January 20, 2019
Your monster seems to be popping in to surprise us! I think the green , white & black really stand out on the bright red background. Super job ????
-- Nana
- on November 5, 2018
lovely leaf - I see Murphy has made her way into your artwork... great colours
-- Grandma Marj
- on November 5, 2018
A lovely leaf! The soft, flowing pastel colours blend beautifully. I'm thankful that you are so talented and are able to share your artwork. I love it!
-- Elaine
- on November 5, 2018
I'm a tree lover so this is one of my favourites of your artwork.The way you did it sounds like fun too. The fall colours are beautiful. Tree...mendous!!
-- Nana
- on November 5, 2018
love the way your name becomes part of the art
-- Grandma Marj
- on November 5, 2018
that is a most interesting vehicle - well done
-- Grandma Marj
- on November 5, 2018
What a great way to celebrate International Dot Day.....your own original art. It reminds me of Skittles, on wheels! You're an awesome artist!
-- Nana
- on November 5, 2018
Wow! The bright colors, detailed designs & personalized triangles make this artwork very interesting. Awesome job! Keep on creating.
-- Nana
- on September 20, 2018
Way to go bud, I like it!
-- Jared
- on September 20, 2018
Levi love this "shadow" drawing.... very well done...
-- Grandma Marj
- on July 3, 2016
This is so interesting! Keith Haring's artwork really inspired you to create your own human form. I think your bouncing guy is so cute.... I love it.
-- Nana
- on July 3, 2016
Oh my this is the lovely flower you made for Mom.... excellent work...
-- Grandma
- on May 29, 2016
Absolutely beautiful! I'm amazed by your artwork & love seeing every new creation. Thanks for sharing it.
-- Nana
- on May 29, 2016
What a fun project! Your earth is a beautiful blend of blue & green . Thanks for sharing, Super Boy!!
-- Nana
- on May 29, 2016
Wow you are carrying the world on your shoulders, terrific picture we love it!!
-- Marj
- on May 29, 2016
I see many interesting shapes in your artwork, like a face, a pencil and a 3D spiral! Great imagination!
-- Mum
- on February 25, 2016
Terrific work Levi, so many different shapes... love it
-- Grandma Marj
- on February 25, 2016
An eye catching collage ! I'm really impressed by the way the free form shapes were " drawn with scissors". You have the imagination and skill to create awesome art. I'm so proud of you !
-- Nana
- on February 25, 2016
Those are great colours Levi... love the way they look like they are shining!
-- Grandma Marj
- on February 25, 2016
I really like this one. Purple & green are a nice bright combination of colours and the red & orange sparkle. The yellow heart near the top almost looks 3D! I'm enjoying your artwork so much!
-- Elaine
- on February 25, 2016
Cool. The snowflakes look like spiders.
-- Mason
- on February 25, 2016
Cute! It was a nice idea to add the pretty snowflakes too! You did a great job on that pointy carrot nose. Keep on creating!
-- Nana
- on February 25, 2016
Wonderful idea to put a blue face blue with a bright orange background. It kind of reminds me of Grover from Sesame Street. He's a different color & everyone likes him.....just like your artwork! Way to go!
-- Nana
- on December 5, 2015
I guess your fish had a bad day in the pond! Using red is a good way to show that. I like the way you made the drawing very large so it pops out! Keep on creating.
-- Nana
- on December 5, 2015
At first I saw lots of colours, but then I noticed zig zags , a line of dots, a line of bones and even spirals. It's so much fun to see your unique works of art !
-- Nana
- on December 5, 2015
Levi that picture is so well done
-- Grandma Marj
- on December 5, 2015
This is a beautiful way to show that we remember those who fought for our country.
-- Elaine
- on December 5, 2015
Spooktacular ! The background colors and the moon really make the haunted house and the bat stand out. Is that a ghost too? Very creative work !
-- Elaine
- on December 5, 2015
That is such a great Hallowe'en scene Levi way to go!!
-- Grandma Marj
- on October 28, 2015
Your art classes look like so much fun! good work..
-- Marj
- on October 28, 2015
Your art classes look like so much fun! good work..
-- Grandma Marj
- on October 28, 2015
Nice tree buddy. I see L-E-V and hiding I.
-- Dad
- on October 28, 2015
You added lots of good detail on this self-portrait! --love Mum
- on October 7, 2015
You put lots of good detail on this self-portrait!
- on October 7, 2015
He's a handsome guy ! Super portrait, Levi.
-- Nana
- on October 7, 2015
Good work Levi - I seem to have sent 2 messages but you did a terrific art work... Grandma
-- Marj
- on September 16, 2015
Terrific picture Levi - Dot day sounded like fun!
-- Grandma
- on September 16, 2015
Fantastic colours. Grandpa
-- John
- on September 16, 2015
That's fantastic. Grandpa
-- John
- on September 16, 2015
Awesome! I love the shapes & vivid colors,especially the bright pink.I can't wait to see more of your creations.
-- Elaine
- on September 16, 2015
Beautiful colours! You must have worked very hard on this.
-- Mum
- on September 16, 2015