Love the lion! Keep up the great work. Gotta have a lion T shirt! -- LaVonne
- on December 6, 2017
Good job Chase - I love your choice of colors! -- Gretchen - Good job Chase - I love your choice of colors!
- on December 21, 2016
Dear Chase - I received an email picture from your school regarding your latest art work! Wow, you are quite the artist - I love what you painted. I especially love the color red so this caught my eye - I think I may be ordering a t-shirt this week with your design on it! Keep up the good work! Love you - Your GG -- Gretchen. (GG)
- on October 27, 2015
We love the new design. That design would look nice on a coffee mug. -- Don And Lavonne
- on October 27, 2015
Chase, Grandpa and Grandma love this new web site and will be looking foreward to seeing all your art work. We love all the colors on this art display. -- Grandpa and Grandma