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Eliza1242's Comments
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Below are comments about Eliza1242's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Eliza, this is a very colorful piece. Thank you for sharing it with us. Gma and Papa
- Penne on April 3, 2020
Eliza, this is a very colorful piece. Thank you for sharing it with us. Gma and Papa
- Penne on April 3, 2020
Eliza congratulations on a job well done. The acorn looks great. Love Grandma and Papa
- Penne on January 16, 2020
Beautiful Job Eliza!
- on January 16, 2020
Eliza: Along with dragons, Papa loves tacos too! He also loves Crunch N Munch, Oreos, Goldfish crackers, the color purple, and you.
-- David
- on October 26, 2018
I like your cow! I'd like to try to milk it now. Good job! Wow!
-- Oma&opa
- on June 19, 2018
Eliza, we love your Koala bear. It reminds Papa of his mission in Australia. Love Grandma and Papa. .
-- Grandma&papa
- on May 16, 2018
We love your cute, cuddly koala! Great job Eliza!
-- Oma & Opa
- on May 16, 2018
I like your colorful basket! You did a great job!
-- Marj
- on May 16, 2018
Very creative, was it hard to make. Love Grandma and Papa
-- Penne
- on May 16, 2018
I recognize the pigeon from some of the books I've read to you! Great job!
-- Oma&opa
- on March 15, 2018
We like the details on the lion. His eyebrows, nose, and whiskers, too! You are a good artist!
-- Oma & Opa
- on March 1, 2018
Your carrots are creepy and crazy, too! Fun picture!
-- Oma & Opa
- on March 1, 2018
Your Penguin is pretty perfect! Great work!
-- Oma & Opa
- on March 1, 2018
Hello back Mr. Penguin. Very nice picture, Eliza. Love Grandma and Papa
-- Grandma&papa
- on March 1, 2018
Papa and I love your faces and eyeballs on these carrots.
-- Penne
- on March 1, 2018
The moon is bright and the stars shine their light, while the animals play in the night! Good work, Eliza!
-- Oma&opa
- on January 16, 2018
Good job on the candy cane! It looks tasty!
-- Oma&opa
- on January 16, 2018
Eliza, you did a great job on your candy cane. It looks so good I want to take a bite out of it. Love you, Papa and Grandma.
-- Grandma&papa
- on January 16, 2018
COOL Cat! Great Job!
-- Marj
- on November 17, 2017
I like your pumpkin! It almost looks real. It is waiting for someone to carve it into a jack o lantern!
-- Oma&opa
- on November 17, 2017
Beautiful Rainbow! Good work!
-- Oma
- on November 17, 2017
Good work! Cute butterflies!
-- Oma&opa
- on September 14, 2017
We like the dozens and dozens of colorful dots!
-- Oma&opa
- on June 5, 2017
Pretty Princess artwork by a Pretty Granddaughter!
-- Oma&opa
- on June 5, 2017
We like your colorful weaving!!! You are doing super in school!!
-- Oma&opa
- on March 15, 2017
We like your happy heart! We love you!
-- Oma&opa
- on March 15, 2017
Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman Tall, tall, tall. Great job on your snowman Eliza.
-- Grandma & Papa
- on March 15, 2017
Good job on your snowman, Eliza! Where did you find all that snow in Albuquerque? I hope he doesn't melt!
-- Oma&opa
- on March 15, 2017
Good work Eliza! Your penguin will stay warm!
-- Oma&opa
- on January 25, 2017
Cute Bear!!! Good work!! Do you think your tear bear would dare to wear a pear in her hair?
-- Oma&opa
- on January 6, 2017
We love your colorful spider! We don't usually like spiders, but we like yours!
-- Oma&opa
- on December 15, 2016
Beautiful job Eliza! Your artwork is awesome!
-- Oma&opa
- on November 9, 2016
Your robot is so cute! You did a great job! We love to see your artwork!
-- Oma&opa
- on September 20, 2016
Cute ladybug, Eliza! Good work!
-- Oma&opa
- on June 15, 2016
Pretty colors and heart. We love you Eliza!
-- Oma&opa
- on May 11, 2016
Beautiful, colorful work Eliza! Good job!
-- Oma&opa
- on May 11, 2016
Such a cute snail! Way to go Eliza!
-- Oma&opa
- on May 11, 2016
Good job on the alphabet Eliza! We like the pretty colors, too!
-- Oma&opa
- on February 27, 2016
Great job Eliza! Keep on drawing pictures! We love you!
-- Oma&opa
- on February 5, 2016
Eliza, Your caterpillar is SO CUTE! Love you!
-- Oma&opa
- on January 16, 2016
Good work, Eliza! You draw pretty pictures! Keep on drawing!
-- Oma&opa
- on January 4, 2016
Eliza, We love your pretty balloon! You did a great job!
-- Oma&opa
- on November 14, 2015
Good Job on your hand print project Eliza.
-- Grandma&papa
- on October 31, 2015
Eliza, We love to see your artwork! You are awesome! We love you!
-- Oma&opa
- on October 31, 2015
Eliza is an awesome artist!
-- Oma&opa
- on October 9, 2015
Awesome Artwork Eliza!!
-- Oma & Opa
- on September 19, 2015