Kipton6's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Kipton6's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow! Dad is very impressed, great job Kman! I see a lot of attention to detail and good use of shadowing and light source! Keep up the great work! Proud of you Kid!
- Greg (Father) on January 17, 2020
Great use of near and far proximity Kipton! I love the rollercoaster and how fun this picture looks!! Good job!
- Greg (Father) on November 19, 2019
Looks great Kman! Great attention to detail and use of color! Fantastic!
- Greg (Father) on October 1, 2019
Nice work Kman, great detail buddy! Keep up the good work. Dad
-- Greg
- on August 20, 2019
So, so PROUD of Kipton and the talent that he's showing, following in his Daddy's footprints! Can't wait to see what's next buddy! Keep up the GREAT work!
-- Greg
- on March 13, 2019