Hi Q- love the spiders piece -very well done! Your work is impressive- keep it up! I’m tempted to see if they are radioactive with a spider bite!
- Uncle Dave on February 2, 2022
Wow Quentin! You just get better and better, and you started out really good. This is outstanding. Sorry I missed your last one, you continue to impress. Keep at it buddy, you are very talented!
- Dustin on January 27, 2022
Hi Q, Nice job here. Are these spiders going to fight each other or are they friends? The one on the left looks like he is a dangerous arachnid...Keep up the good work!
- Pop/Dad on January 27, 2022
Nice job on ! Q Your colors and attention to details are great !
- Uncle Dave on December 15, 2021
"Karen" is fantastic Quentin! This is one of your most fascinating works yet. I'm interested to learn more about your inspiration for this one. Keep up the great work, this one is really making me thing in addition to being awesome artwork. You rock Quentin!
- Dustin on May 21, 2021
Q- this is impressive. Your artwork is really good. Keep up the great work!
- Uncle Dave on May 21, 2021
Great job Q! You really have an artistic eye! Love, Aunt Sam
- Samantha on March 17, 2021
How did I miss this one! Love the colors! Love Aunt Sam
- Samantha on March 17, 2021
Great job on this Kente cloth pattern Quentin! Kente is typically associated with wealth, sophistication, and high social status. No doubt you are headed in this direction. Keep up the great work, great job honoring a different culture!
- Dustin on March 10, 2021
Hi Q, Your cloth pattern piece looks really good! I love the choice of colors you used. Keep up the great work!!
- Uncle Dave on February 22, 2021
This clay design reminds me of all of the insects that come back out during Spring. How perfectly appropriate for this time of year! 3-D design is a real challenge and is very hot right now in the art world. You're on the cutting edge Quentin! Keep up the great work! -- Dustin
- on May 16, 2019
I love this redesigned flag Quentin! The bald eagle in the middle is a classic symbol of American freedom and strength. You have captured the revolutionary spirit of "DON'T TREAD ON ME" (Christopher Gadsden 1775) with the expression on this bird's face. Well done Quentin! -- Dustin
- on March 21, 2019
Hi Q, Your work for redesigning the American flag is really good. That eagle looks like he is about to do some serious damage!! Nice job! -- Uncle Dave
- on March 21, 2019
Fantastic circle weaving Quentin! The colors and symmetry are so great. This is something else I would love to display in my house, this belongs in a museum! Keep up the great work little buddy. You are doing so well! -- Dustin
- on March 14, 2019
Q, I love the colors! This is so pretty. Keep up the great work! Love you! -- Aunt Sam
- on March 8, 2019
Hi Q, Your weaving project really turned out great! The bright colors look cheery. Keep up the great work! -- Uncle Dave
- on March 8, 2019
Quentin, It looks just like you! I really like the details you added in the background to make it even more realistic :) Love, -- Aunt Stacey
- on January 31, 2019
This is really cool Quentin, very impressive! Self portraits are among the most challenging of all paintings for artists. You seem to have no problem with it! I like the background as well, I'm excited to hear more about it. Keep up the great work buddy! -- Dustin
- on January 31, 2019
Hi Q- your self portrait is really good. I thought I was looking at a picture. Keep up the great work! -- Uncle Dave
- on January 31, 2019
This reminds me of the art you did for my cup! I love it!! I can see how your art just keeps getting better and better! Great work Q! I Love you! -- Aunt Sam
- on December 26, 2018
Wow Que!! Your painting is sooo realistic! I love it!! Love, -- Aunt Stacey
- on December 26, 2018
Hi Q - your Northern Lights painting is fantastic! It makes me want to travel to Norway to see them! Keep up the great work! -- Uncle Dave
- on December 21, 2018
Q, I LOVE this piece of art work! It is really well done! Love, AS -- Aunt Sam
- on December 21, 2018
Emile Renouf would have been so proud of this landscape Quentin! Your use of lines and colors, in addition to depth, provide solid realism for this piece of art. Keep on keeping on Q, your artwork would make even a classically trained Frenchman proud! Bravo! -- Dustin
- on December 21, 2018
Hi Q, Great job with the Renouf Landscapes. The colors are bright and cheery! Keep up the great work!! -- Uncle Dave
- on December 21, 2018
Hi Q, Your Monsters artwork is fantastic! I was a bit scared when I saw this with it being Monsters and all. You are really doing a great job with your artwork! Keep it up!! -- Uncle Dave
- on September 22, 2018
I love this name monster Quentin! The textures are awesome. I imagine this is really cool to see and handle in real life. The colors are excellent too. I can tell you put a lot of work and imagination into this! Keep up the great work... -- Dustin
- on September 22, 2018
Hi Q- great job with dots - they pop! Keep up the great work! Love, Uncle Dave -- Uncle Dave
- on September 6, 2018
Great dot Quentin! I love the theme of the work. You have many dots within this dot, symbolic of the complexity of something as seemingly simple as a dot. This is perfect for International Dot Day! This will look excellent on the mural and will complement other dots very well. Keep up the great work Quentin, we are all excited for another year of your awesome artwork! -- Dustin
- on September 6, 2018
Now you have had the thrill of making your very own little dish. Will you plant a seed or flower in it? Or perhaps save coins in it? Whatever the use, it is special because YOU made it with your own hands! Be very proud! I will look forward to more creative art by Quentin next school year. Your friend, Nana Bev -- Bev
- on July 4, 2018
Excellent flower pot Quentin! I enjoy pottery of many types, and this is no exception. I hope that you save this and use it for many years to come, I hope you got to take this home with you. I'll miss your artwork over the summer, but keep up the great work Q, you're tops! -- Dustin
- on June 27, 2018
Hi Q, Nice job on the flower pot. It's both decorative and functional. The plant seems to like this as well! Keep up the good work! -- Uncle Dave
- on May 25, 2018
Great kente cloth weaving artwork Quentin! Maybe you'll get to go to Ghana one day and show them how its done! I love the structure and consistency of your work, the design is meticulous. Keep up the great work Q, you're awesome at this! -- Dustin
- on May 1, 2018
Hi Q - I like you Kente Cloth Weaving piece - It looks like real cloth! You are doing a great job - keep it up! -- Uncle Dave
- on May 1, 2018
Quentin, I love ALL your artwork! It is amazing how you have progressed with sharp designs and a pleasing combination of colors. I notice you are fond of my favorite colors, blue and green. The blue of sky and the greens of foliage are colors of nature. Keep up the great art, Quentin. I am SO proud of you! - "Nana" Bev -- Bev
- on April 2, 2018
Q - the bird is awesome, especially his beak! Great job! -- Uncle Dave
- on April 2, 2018
Great work Quentin! The post impressionist movement was significantly impacted by Henri Rousseau's work. He received admiration of modern artists like Pablo Picasso for revealing "the new possibilities of simplicity." You have done all of this with this latest installment, Q. He would be proud. You show us complexity in simplicity, nuance in plain sight. Keep up the great work! -- Dustin
- on April 2, 2018
Q, I love the choice of animal! It is right up your alley, or should I say perch? You impress me every day with your fantastic artwork. Love, Dad -- Daniel
- on March 28, 2018
Q- great job on the Picasso. You have a real talent! Keep up the great work!! -- Uncle Dave
- on February 28, 2018
Great Picasso Quentin! I have been eagerly awaiting your take on Pablo. This does not disappoint. Picasso once said - "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” My soul has been dusted. Well done. Great job buddy! -- Dustin
- on January 31, 2018
Q - nice job on Jasper Johns birthday! Your great work makes me want to be at the party! -- Uncle Dave
- on January 31, 2018
Great artwork Quentin! In his art, Jasper Johns doesn't try to convey a specific message; instead, he prefers that his audience interpret his work and find its meaning themselves. You have clearly asked your audience, "what does this mean to you?" I answer that it represents a beginning, a celebration, a ritual, and a new tradition. Keep up the great work Quentin! You help us all look for meaning. -- Dustin
- on January 17, 2018
Great work Quentin! I love the winter scenery with these penguins. It is so appropriate for this time of year. Merry Christmas little buddy! Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see more next year. -- Dustin
- on December 13, 2017
Outstanding work Quentin! This underwater collage is a tale of two different fish, each fish having it's own story. I love the 3-D effect of the rocks and tall grasses. Keep up the great work Q! -- Dustin
- on November 29, 2017
Great job Quentin! Paul Klee was a transcendent Impressionist, and your work would make him proud. The symbolism of the book pages under the painting is not lost on me Quentin. You show us that this city has a story, perhaps many stories, under the surface. You point to the sky with optimism, while reminding us that every city has a story behind it. -- Dustin
- on November 10, 2017
Quentin, I love the different designs and colors of the buildings. Nice work buddy! -- Mr. Denton
- on November 1, 2017
I love the look of the city; I would definitely move there! -- Zach
- on November 1, 2017
Awesome apples Quentin! Cezanne's work on something so seemingly simple as apples on a table were part of a much larger movement, a change, wrought with complexity. Impressionism's transition and link to Cubism is not only a relevant part of this story, but is evident in your artwork as well. Few artists have the courage to change their style, literally and figuratively, in the middle of a painting. You have done just that with this masterpiece! Keep up the great work Quentin, your art tells a tale that must be experienced. -- Dustin
- on October 3, 2017
This is neat! Looks like a Kiwi. It would make a great tee shirt design! Great work. Love you! -- Aunt Sam
- on October 3, 2017
Hi Q Beautiful art work! I love it! You are a very good artist. I love you! -- Aunt Sam
- on October 3, 2017
Great job Quentin! This is so much more than a dot. It represents a beginning, a beginning again, and a future filled with possibilities. I very much look forward to seeing where this year takes us! Keep up the great work Quentin, it is going to be a fun year! -- Dustin
- on September 13, 2017
What a great rocket-ship Quentin! Indeed you are soaring into 2nd grade. It is amazing how quickly you are growing up. Your artwork has been a pleasure to experience all year. I very much look forward to more of your work next year. You are top notch Quentin, keep up the great work! -- Dustin
- on May 31, 2017
Love this one Q! If you would like Christmas gift ideas....I would love a coffee mug with this one on it! ;) You have done so well this year in your art class! I loved everything! -- Aunt Sam
- on May 31, 2017
I love this blueprint Quentin! It is nice to see the budding architect in you as well. Winston Churchill said - "We shape our buildings, and afterwards, they shape us." I am confident that you will understand the nuance in this statement, as you have shown a willingness to welcome complexity in the world that you shape. Keep up the good work! -- Dustin
- on April 19, 2017
Great flower Quentin! Georgia O'Keeffe would be proud. I bet you can paint a skyscraper just as well as she did too. Keep up the good work buddy! -- Dustin
- on April 19, 2017
Quentin, you always amaze me with the variety of artwork and the quality of each new creation! Beginning with the Three Mice, and so many more, you have now done excellent sculpture and pop art. I am so proud of you! Love from "Nana" Bev -- Bev
- on April 6, 2017
I love it Q. Keith Haring's work is so upbeat! You nailed it! -- Love, Aunt Sam
- on March 30, 2017
Great action figure Quentin! Keith Haring was a great contemporary artist born and raised in Pennsylvania. I really enjoy your take on his work. "Pop Art" has never looked so good! Another great job, I'm very proud of you Quentin! -- Dustin
- on March 30, 2017
I love this sculpture Q! I can't wait to see it in person. Great work buddy! -- Dustin
- on March 8, 2017
Quentin, it is amazing how your art designs have progressed! you are now beginning to do landscape designs ... showing earth with tree roots, the tree, and the blue sky above! I also see some leaves which have fallen from the tree and a layer of green grass. You have captured the total landscape with your artistic talent. I am SO proud of you, and I know your parents are, too. -- Bev
- on March 2, 2017
I love your work Quentin! "Spring Bloom" shows us that you both have deep roots yourself, and understand their importance in life. You reflect that much lies beneath the surface, and that we cannot understand what we see without considering the complexity in what lies below. -- Dustin
- on March 2, 2017
Quentin..your artwork is fantastic!!! I love how you defined the colors. -- Connie/Grammy
- on February 15, 2017
Q, this is my ALL time FAVORITE! I LOVE all the colors! Very nicely done! -- Aunt Sam
- on February 15, 2017
This color is terrific! Nice work Quentin. I need to get a few more looks at this one in context. Great job, keep up the good work! -- Dustin
- on February 15, 2017
I love this painting Quentin! I have been excited to see some more landscape work in your collection. I like the clearly divided lines of this landscape, it shows the viewer your emphasis on the many differing parts of any view. Great use of big bold colors too! -- Dustin
- on February 15, 2017
Quentin, this latest work has inspired me to attend the Matisse/Diebenkorn exhibit at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Diebenkorn is the only modern artist other than yourself that has been able to capture the spirit of Matisse. I'll see if he can hold a candle to your work! Keep up the great work buddy! -- Dustin
- on January 28, 2017
Love your polar bear! -- Aunt Sam
- on January 28, 2017
What a cutie! Nice work! -- Aunt Sam
- on January 25, 2017
Yummy! Mint Chocolate Chip would be my choice! -- Aunt Sam
- on January 25, 2017
Quentin, I am so proud of you! Your artwork continues to get better and better. Each new design is a thrill to see. The ice cream cone looks SO YUMMY! Each scoop neatly rounded and colors for different varieties. Keep up the great work you are doing in school! -- Bev
- on January 25, 2017
Great work Quentin! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I see the top scoop encourages equality and tolerance for all, it is aptly placed. You are wise beyond your years little man. Keep up the great work Q! -- Dustin
- on January 18, 2017
Excellent penguin Quentin! Great use of contrasting styles and colors. We can see that your penguin has an open mind, literally and figuratively. We can see that his myriad swirling thoughts encompass both his mind and his body. Great work Quentin, keep it up! -- Dustin
- on December 23, 2016
Great work Quentin! As I noted on your first self portrait, these are among the most difficult of all paintings for most artists. You did a fantastic job. As you slowly shift from abstract realism to post modernism in your style, you continue to tell us about yourself with your paintings. This year, you reveal how much you listen...and all that you hear. You also tell us that you always watch, but you do not always need to be seen. Keep up the great work! -- Dustin
- on December 21, 2016
Quentin, I am always amazed with your creativity in each selection of Art from Roundtown! You see the beauty of your world from the colorful leaves of autumn to the bright eyes of the owl ... And much more. Keep up the great work. I am appreciating each masterpiece you create. I see the world thru your designs ... I am SO PROUD of you! Love, Bev S. -- Bev S.
- on November 26, 2016
Quentin, I continue to be amazed with your art creativity at Roundtown! Each art you create is so different and represents a new way of expressing what you personally see and feel. You are learning to see the beauty of your world ... From the beautiful leaves of autumn to the bright eyes of the owl! And you are using scissors, paint, paper, and more to make your own original "Quentin Design". I am SO proud of you! - Mrs. Bev S. -- Bev S.
- on November 26, 2016
This is awesome... so awesome it is now a on my necklace.... great job Que!!!! -- Sharon
- on November 16, 2016
I love the owl Quentin, great work! Your rendition conveys the classic wisdom and perspective of the owl. The eyes reveal an old soul, it appears that the owl has seen many things while perched on that branch. -- Dustin
- on November 16, 2016
Gorgeous! I love watercolor! Love, Aunt Sam -- Samantha
- on November 9, 2016
That looks like it was a lot of fun to make! Love, Aunt Sam -- Samantha
- on November 9, 2016
Quentin, I LOVE this one! What a neat looking owl! Be sure to frame that one! Love Aunt Sam -- Samantha
- on November 9, 2016
I love this one!! -- Samantha
- on October 16, 2016
Beautiful Quentin! I see you have returned to your roots with abstract realism influence. Your leaves are an autumnal Rorschach test which dares to interpret our views on the change of the seasons. Keep up the great work Quentin, you are outstanding! -- Dustin
- on October 13, 2016
Wow!! I love your new artwork. You are very, very creative. Love, Grammy
- on October 13, 2016
Great piece Quentin! 3 dimensional art is very cool. I love this one too! I look forward to sculpture when/if the class gets there. Do you take requests? Keep up the awesome work! -- Dustin
- on October 6, 2016
Great job with sculptures, Quentin! Many shapes and sizes; and all so colorful. -- Mrs. S.
- on October 5, 2016
Loving all of your artwork Q! You are very talented! Love, AS -- Aunt Sam
- on September 28, 2016
Another great piece of art Quentin! Perfect use of the colors of the season as well. Very nice work! Keep it up! -- Dustin
- on September 28, 2016
Excellent work Q! I think this is my favorite of all of them so far. Amazing job! Keep up the good work. -- Dustin
- on September 24, 2016
Q- I love this one! The birds are so colorful! Love- Aunt Sam -- Sam
- on September 10, 2016
Awesome birds Quentin! They look like a happy version of the Angry Birds, I love it. Keep up the great work! -- Dustin
- on September 10, 2016
Quentin, I love the colorful birds you painted! They are so cheery ... Just like you! Keep up the good work! Bev Snyder -- Bev
- on September 8, 2016
First artwork of the year!! Looks great Que!! ?? -- Sharon
- on August 29, 2016
"Just make a mark and see where it takes you..." You have taken us many places Quentin, I look forward to new places in another year of the journey with you. Great job on this, keep up the good work! -- Dustin
- on August 29, 2016
Excellent seahorse Quentin! The seahorse is said to represent Patience, Friendliness, Protection, Perspective, Generosity/Sharing, High-Perception, Persistence, and Contentment. All of these qualities are evident in this work. Well done Q, keep it up! -- Dustin
- on May 31, 2016
Great jog Quentin! I can see all of the seasons. This may be my favorite one of all! Keep up the good work! -- Dustin
- on May 2, 2016
It has been so interesting to see the progress in Quentin's artwork throughout this year in Kindergarden at Roundtown! The "Three Mice" was his early art, and it has progressed to this great "Self Portrait" with the facial features, hairstyle, and a shirt ... with some distinctive print and a pocket. Quentin has captured so many details! What great creativity for this special artist! I am so proud of him! -- Bev S.
- on April 24, 2016
Quentin, another masterpiece! And I see you are wearing your favorite color ~ green! I love it!! Love Aunt Sam -- Aunt Sam
- on April 22, 2016
Great work! Self portraits are among the most challenging of all paintings for most artists. I see that Quentin was not daunted by this task. His return to abstract realism is evident in this work. He not only gives the observer many possible interpretations...he also asks us to consider how we see him, and ultimately ourselves, with this latest creation. -- Dustin
- on April 22, 2016
This is a great collage Q! I love it! Very good looking butterfly. You can see the influence of surrealism even in a collage style. Many consider the artist Man Ray to be the best American collage artist. I am pretty sure this is better than most of his work. Keep up the great work! -- Dustin
- on March 18, 2016
Outstanding work again Q! The combination of shading and asymmetry again reveals an artistic talent that is rare to find at any age. Keep up the great work! -- Dustin
- on February 24, 2016
This may be my new favorite, Q! Great job!! Love the lips!! Love, Aunt Sam -- Aunt Sam
- on February 24, 2016
I ?? your art work!!! I ?? you! Another masterpiece! -- Aunt Sam
- on February 5, 2016
Your artwork is fantastic Quentin! The use of texture, dimension, and contrast reveals a transcendent abstract realism artist the likes of which Roundtown has never seen. Keep up the great work! -- Dustin
- on February 5, 2016
Looks like you are ready for snow!! Very good! -- Aunt Sam
- on February 3, 2016
Love the bright colors! Reminds me of a fish for some reason. Love, Aunt Sam -- Aunt Sam
- on February 3, 2016
Another beautiful piece of artwork, Q. You are VERY talented. I love all the color you added! You'll have to tell me how you made those cool looking divots in the clay, they look like snowflakes. We love you! ~ Love, Aunt Sam -- Aunt Sam
- on February 3, 2016
Quentin! So glad to see the pretty bowl you made in art class. I love all of your pretty designs ... But I think my favorite is the three mice. Do you remember that? Will you take this pretty bowl home? Your mother and dad will be So proud of it!! Keep up the good work in art class and in school everyday. I am so proud of you! Love, Nana Bev Snyder -- Bev
- on February 2, 2016
Great job Q! Logan said it looks like a Transformer! -- Aunt Sam
- on November 19, 2015
QUENTIN! What a pretty monster you drew in Art Class at Roundtown! I bet it won the award for "BIGGEST MONSTER"!! I like your monster and I also like your art work of "THE THREE MICE"!! Love You, Bev -- Bev
- on November 4, 2015
Q, this one is your best yet!! I love it!! This is one mommy definitely needs to frame! Great job! -- Love, Aunt Sam
- on October 15, 2015
- on October 15, 2015
Quentin, I really love your use of lines. Some good zig zag, loopy, and broken straight lines! Great colors too! You are a very good artist! -- Aunt Samantha
- on September 21, 2015
Que, I love all your different lines and beautiful rainbow colors! -- Aunt Stacey
- on September 21, 2015
Hmm... I can really see the emotion in the yellow, surrounded by a golden ring of hope. My compliments to the artist, -- Zach
- on September 18, 2015
Great Job Quentin - you are awesome!! -- Uncle Dave