Wyatt6393's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Wyatt6393's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wyatt, What gorgeous colors! Love seeing your art, it makes us very happy. Love Grandma and Pop
-- Grandma
- on February 7, 2018
Good job Wyatt. Sooo cute! Love Grammy
-- Suzanne
- on February 7, 2018
I love your artwork. Awesome job.
-- Bettie
- on November 15, 2017
Grandma and Pop think this artwork is wonderful and shows how talented you are. Love the big blue eyes! Keep up the good work.
-- Grandma
- on October 8, 2017
I love the details and the face!
-- Kirsten
- on February 28, 2017
Wyatt, we like this picture, nice work! Love, Opa and grandma Jane
-- Alfred
- on March 1, 2017
Nice artwork Wyatt! Keep up the good work. Love!
-- Bettie
- on March 9, 2016
Hi Wyatt! What a great fireman's jacket! It looks very cool and you did such a nice job designing it. Thank you so much for sharing your art. I really love seeing your creations and think you do a marvelous job. XOXOXOX
-- Bettie
- on December 23, 2015
Hello Wyatt! This is a very imaginative and interesting work of art. It makes me smile. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to seeing your other creations. Love it!
-- Bettie
- on November 11, 2015