Carlie, this art piece is beautiful. The design is very pretty and well-thought out. It is very intricate and looks difficult to make. You did a great job. -- Valerie
- on April 5, 2017
VERY pretty. Looking by forward to your future art work ?? ?? ? Poppa Jon -- Jon
- on April 5, 2017
I love the orange and blue combination. A great balance of energy and tranquility. -- Julie
- on November 3, 2016
Great work Carlie! I didn't realize that I could comment on it until tonight. I always look at your work when it comes to my e-mail. I'm really proud of you. Very creative <3 -- Julie
- on November 3, 2016
Wow Carlie!!! Such a beautiful snowflake picture. I love the colors and the snowflakes. You have a super talent for drawing and creating art! -- Valerie
- on February 23, 2016
I love the sun and sky and the way you outlined the sun really makes it show up. The sky is beautiful with all of the colors and the sea creatures are so cute. Good Job! -- Carolyn
- on January 13, 2016
Carlie, I LOVE this picture you painted. I like the colors you picked and my favorite part are all the little sea creatures at the bottom. I LOVE those. They are SO cute!! -- Grandma Valerie