I like the look you have captured on his face. The eyes really capture your imagination. Even though the seem slightly larger than real, I love the look. -- Karen
- on June 11, 2016
Your color scheme, though imagined, works well for this design. Well done -- Karen
- on February 28, 2016
Your composition is well placed. It is effective in pencil and black marker. Goog job. -- Brand
- on January 17, 2016
This was an excellent design project. I especially good one for you because you took it a step further. I like your idea of hanging them instead of attaching them to the wall. I know they would have been a beautiful display if we were allowed to hang them in the Lobby with the green Christmas decorations. But placing them in our room was extra special because every student got to see theirs in the contex of the Holiday. Good Job! -- Tiamani
- on December 29, 2015
I like your color selection, orange, yellow, red pink. I hope you will use it in another composition. Good Job! -- Kaydeen