This one is very abstract. I love all of the beautiful colors that you used. :O)
- Mom :O) on January 23, 2020
So far this is one of my favorites! I love the shape of the car. :O)
- Mom :O) on January 23, 2020
Hi, Colby I like your picture. Grandma Moses paintings are fun. Using both crayon and then paint for wind is very interesting. Your painting certainly looks like Winter. Brrrrrrr!
- Maggie on January 23, 2020
I love the design of this painting, Colby!
- Maggie on January 23, 2020
Colby, you are becoming quite the artist! I love seeing your creativity in you pictures. Papa
- Gerry on January 23, 2020
This is an awesome drawing, Colby! It is a joyful Christmas memory! I remember going to the Tree Farm with Grampy and your Mom and aunts,chopping a tree, putting it on the roof of the car, and driving it home to place and decorate. Thanks for the colorful picture! Love, Grammy
- Kathleen on January 23, 2020
Hey, Colby I like abstract design. Yours is fun and I like yours color choices and balance. Good show, yet again. Love you. Meemaw
- Maggie on November 6, 2019
Your artwork looks like a shield with a treasure on a sword! Nice colors. Keep drawing! Love, Grammie
- Kathleen on November 6, 2019
Hi, Colby The textures in your "Oceans" picture and the ripped paper give the picture great movement. Fun! -- Grandma T.
- on June 26, 2019
Nice landscape are becoming quite the artist! -- Gerry
- on June 26, 2019
Wow! The ocean is full of many things! Looks as if you took time and inserted them with fun and hard work. I love all the different types in the picture and the way you drew them??. Grammy -- Kathleen(Grammy)
- on June 26, 2019
I like the idea of stitching a picture. I like the geography part, too. Good job, as usual. -- grandma T.
- on April 10, 2019
What a nice job you did Colby. Looks like a snow storm with some mixed ice or sleet in the picture. -- Papa
- on April 10, 2019
I love your cityscape and especially the fact that you've included music in it. -- Gretchen
- on April 10, 2019
COLBY, I definitely feel like it is a windy day when I see this painting. Great job! -- Gretchen
- on April 10, 2019
Love your Citiscape Colby. Nicely done. Grandpa T -- Papa T
- on April 10, 2019
Kinda looks like something out of the movie Coco. Good stuff buddy! :O) -- Greg
- on March 6, 2019
Love it, Colby! -- Greg
- on March 6, 2019
Colby....I like your cityscape a lot and I am not surprised that you included music as your theme. Way to go. -- Grandma T.
- on March 6, 2019
Wow! I was instantly impressed! Your picture stands out and reminds me of art that Pablo Picasso might paint! ?????? -- Kathleen
- on January 30, 2019
Hi, Colby I love the colors here. Is it water colors and paper? Creating something is so much fun for me and I hope you are enjoying the process, too. -- Maggie
- on January 10, 2019
Nice job Colby. Great use of color. -- Gerry
- on December 6, 2018
Colby, Great job here! I like that the yellows really pop and draws your eyes to them. :O) Dad -- Greg
- on October 17, 2018
Grampie and I are impressed with your latest artwork. -- Kathleen
- on October 17, 2018
Colby, I love the colors in you pastels sunflower. I also like where you placed all your flowers. Vincent Van Gogh did some great sunflowers. So glad your teacher showed you some of his paintings. -- maggie
- on October 17, 2018
Nice job Colby?? -- Papa
- on October 17, 2018
Colby- Really nice blending of colors here! :O) -- Greg
- on April 18, 2018
Nice job Colby. -- Papa T
- on April 18, 2018
Nice job Colby. Very colorful. -- Meemaw
- on April 18, 2018
You do some fine artworkI love the Perspective from above -- Kathleen
- on March 28, 2018
Hey Colby, that's a neat looking basketball player you drew at school. Looks like he is driving the lane to the hoop. Nice job! Papa -- Gerry
- on March 28, 2018
A basketball player on the move. Like his outfit, too. -- Grandma T
- on March 28, 2018
I like your snowman. It looks like your dad took a picture from the drone. Good job. It gives a snowman a new perspective doesn't it? -- Grandma T
- on March 28, 2018
This is really neat Colby. It's like what a snowman would look like using my drone camera. :O) -- Greg
- on December 5, 2017
Is this you in a Lebron jersey? You look ready to play!! -- Greg
- on December 5, 2017
Colby, I love the colors in your landscape picture especially that blue, blue sky. -- Maggie
- on December 5, 2017
Great tree Colby. Love the color and the way you covered the whole paper. Nice job. -- Meemaw
- on October 11, 2017
Really neat work Colby! Great job! -- Greg
- on September 19, 2017
I like this picture because I love sunflowers and because I like the way Colby used color changes in the petals. -- meemaw
- on September 19, 2017
You did a really nice job Colby! -- Papa
- on September 19, 2017
Wow, that is quite the train. Looks like it is chugging along and whistling a happen tune. -- meemaw
- on April 19, 2017
Hi, Colby. I love your sun, bridge, and flowers. It looks like the Monet painting. -- meemaw
- on April 19, 2017
Nice job Colby. Keep up the great work. -- Gerry
- on April 5, 2017
Wow, Colby, you put a lot of effort into this! I see the railroad tracks, sun, smoke, and engine. The picture reminds me of my childhood summers in Port Daniel where I used to watch the trains come and go, and then run up to the post office to collect the mail that the train had brought. You gave me a nice memory. Love, Grammy -- Kathie
- on April 5, 2017
Amazing work here Colby! So much detail and I love that you made yourself the train's conductor. :O) -- Greg
- on March 27, 2017
Your snowman is ready to ski down the slope. I like your drawing. -- Meemaw
- on January 11, 2017
Colby, This is great work here. Love the ski poles! He's ready to hit the slopes! -- Greg
- on January 4, 2017
Hey Colby, I love this picture because it shows lots of snow falling and I look forward to that. Grampy likes it because the snowman is doing his favorite sport-skiing! Nice one! -- Kathleen
- on December 14, 2016
Love the moustache on your pumpkin Colby! That's hilarious! :O) -Dad -- Greg
- on October 10, 2016
I am glad that you can mix colors and make a pumpkin. I love Fall, pumpkins, and Halloween! -- Meemaw
- on October 10, 2016
Colby, You are getting really creative in your artwork! Nice job buddy! Meemaw and Papa -- Gerry/Maggie
- on October 7, 2016
Great work Colby! Nice mix of colors. -Dad -- Greg
- on October 3, 2016
Colby, you made the hat look warm and comfy. How did you make it look so soft?!! Love it. -- Kathleen
- on April 6, 2016
Colby, this is fantastic! Love the scarf! :O) Dad -- Greg
- on March 29, 2016
It is windy and cold today. I wish I had a hat like that! -- meemah
- on March 29, 2016
I love butterflies. They remind me of Spring! -- meemah
- on March 23, 2016
Hi Colby, Your butterfly looks very happy with all the colors you used! He is spreading his wings so maybe he wants to spread his love and happiness. Nice, grandson! Love, Grammy -- Grammy Kathie
- on March 23, 2016
Great work Colbs! I love it!! -- Greg
- on March 18, 2016
Great job Colby! I love the colors you used! Beautiful! -- Gretchen
- on March 18, 2016
You are becoming quite the artist Colby! Keep up the good work. -- Gerry
- on December 11, 2015
Great use of lines and colors Colby! -Dad -- Greg
- on November 29, 2015
I like this picture, too. Your lines and colors make an interesting design. -- Meemaw
- on November 29, 2015
Love your mittens. They look warm. -- Meemaw
- on November 29, 2015
Hi Colby, You mitten patterns are really cool. The colors look warm - just like the mittens. Love, Grammy -- Kathie
- on November 26, 2015
Great job Colby! I love it! :O) -- Greg
- on November 25, 2015
Wow, Colby. I love your tree with lights and your snowmen, too. Drawing and painting is fun! -- Meemaw
- on November 18, 2015
Great work Colby! I love it! ?? -Dad -- Greg
- on November 16, 2015
Colby, What a lovely tree! Someone under it has a happy face. It ,must be Grampy because he can't wait for snow so he can ski. Maybe it's me as I love to watch it snow and you have snow falling! Love, Grammy -- Kathleen
- on November 16, 2015
You are becoming quite the artist Colby!!! Love you, Papa -- Gerry