Blake9035's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Blake9035's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice! I like the way you have the different shapes intersecting or being on a different plane from each other! Grammy
- Grammy on November 20, 2019
BLUE DOG!! The yellow contrasts are perfect. Wait...not sure about the french fries behind him! LOL
- Grammy on November 20, 2019
LOVE the perspective of the buildings that becomes an image on its own. It could be a logo for a commercial building company!
- Grammy on November 20, 2019
Blake:The face is so well done and I love the abstract areas of design that make the whole piece so vibrant! You have the whole perspective thing going on in the upper right corner...with the design going smaller as the space gets smaller. Well done! Grammy
- Grammy on November 20, 2019
Blaker, nice piece to finish 2017. GM & I have enjoyed seeing your artwork this entire year. Love, GM&GD
-- Larry
- on January 14, 2018
I like! Doesn't it make you think of Mom's paintings and how she uses designs and outlines in black? Brito would be impressed! Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 9, 2017
What a great job with your prints! Love them!
-- Kendra
- on November 1, 2017
I love your colors and designs! How cool Blake!
-- Kendra
- on November 1, 2017
Great job Blaker! I love your owl!
-- Kendra
- on November 1, 2017
Interesting! I'd like to see that sunrise some morning!
-- Grammy
- on April 3, 2017
Blake: This is cool because you could get lost in it trying to see different things in it. The colors are beautiful together and clear (not like mud that happens sometime when too many colors run together--well done!) It would be fun to have people give you the name or back story they would give it! I'm thinking Dillbattus Purple Tailed Feathery Bat with Sonar Ear Extensions.
-- Grammy
- on April 3, 2017
Blake: I missed this one and I really agree with Lindsey...beautiful starry night and foggy moon. Also love the movement with the dips in the horizon and the focus leading toward that one big pumpkin that you drew in greater detail. I even love white line that shows the reflection of the moon on the dark horizon behind the pumpkins!
-- Grammy
- on April 3, 2017
I love this one, Blake!! Great job!
-- Lindsey
- on April 1, 2017
Blaker good job! I love your night sky!
-- Lindsey
- on October 24, 2016
Blake, He is a wonderful turtle! What neat textures and color! He is very cute!
-- Kendra
- on April 12, 2016
Can I buy it Blaker!?
-- Henry
- on April 12, 2016
Blake- I love it! Your talents as an artist and writer are fabulous! I love seeing all your art and reading your stories! Love you so much! Mom
-- Kendra
- on December 15, 2015
Blaker: Very interesting! I can't wait til next weekend when you can tell me all about your painting and Surrealism. I've never really understood it and you can fill me in! Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 15, 2015
Blakers your art work is awesome! I love the bed on the wall and the hand in the window! Love you mom
-- Kendra
- on December 1, 2015
I wish I was as artistically talented as you buddy! my art teacher would've liked me a lot more than she did!
-- Henry
- on October 31, 2015
Wow Blaker your take on Monet is beautiful! Plus, these are all of my favorite colors. I can't wait until I one day have one of your works on my walls!
-- Lindsey
- on October 23, 2015
Blake, Your mixture of all the colors of pastel for the water are so like Monet's brush strokes! Isn't it cool the way he showed that light gives many different colors to water through the reflection of everything around the pond. I didn't know he constructed all the ponds for his paintings...Wow! You have a great teacher! Love, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on October 22, 2015
Holy cow Blake that reminds me of our backyard buddy I can see the frog sitting on those things right now what a great piece of art
- on October 20, 2015
Blake how awesome! I love all the blues and greens! I love how you made the lily pads! Love mom
- on October 20, 2015
Blake, nice interpretation of Monet!
-- Larry
- on October 20, 2015
Blaker your art is beautiful! You are talented just like your mommy and grammy. So beautiful! Love your Auntie Joyce
-- Joyce
- on October 16, 2015
what an exquisite painting Blakers! I am a proud big brother and love watching your artistic talents flourish
-- Henry
- on October 16, 2015
I love your sunflower, Blaker! As Grammy said, Van Gogh would be impressed. Your use of texture in the center of the flower plus orange/blue as complementary colors is very advance for someone your age. I'm very proud of you!
-- Lindsey
- on October 15, 2015
Way to go Blake. Very nice colors and a wonderful presentation. Love, Grandmommy
-- Kathy
- on October 15, 2015
Nice job, Blake. Your new gardens will give you lots of ideas for more pictures. Love, Granddaddy
-- Larry
- on October 15, 2015
Love that art piece look at all the color and thought that went into it. I look forward two more great art from my young artist!
-- Dad
- on October 14, 2015
Blake, I am so proud of your beautiful artwork! I love your sunflower! Love Mom
- on October 13, 2015
Well done, Blake! Keep up the good work and.....have fun!
-- Pop Pop
- on October 7, 2015
Blake, What an exciting drawing! Van Gogh would be impressed. I love the way you used color and the design of the overlapping leaves. Looks like I better move over...another family artist! Love you, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on October 7, 2015