Madeline6491's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Madeline6491's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Remember, if Mommy doesn't want your awesome artwork to frame, I will take it. But I have a feeling that she will love it, frame it, and hang it up somewhere. I'm glad you spent the night with me last night. I had so much fun and we laughed a lot. Hope you feel better my sweet big girl. Happy Thanksgiving. With all my love YaYa
-- Cathy
- on November 26, 2015
Hi Maddie: Love your basket weaving. You told me all about it and it's really cool to see it. Go Ravens! You did a great job kid. Love you so much, YaYa
-- Cathy
- on November 11, 2015
Great job!!! I love the Ravens theme.
- on October 26, 2015