This art work is really good. I love the structure and color repetition. -- Kate
- on March 13, 2016
Great work Maddie! Very similar to a project I do painting with 8th grade. Love the turtle :) -- Alicia
- on March 13, 2016
I love this turtle! Super cute! I love how you used the squares of color--what a cool technique! -- Karen
- on January 9, 2016
I love this piece, Madeline. I like how you made the lines look like they are moving! ~Mom
- on October 21, 2015
Very cool, Madeline! I love the colors and design. -- Emo
- on October 21, 2015
Nice job Maddie! Love the visual rhythm and movement of your piece. -- Alicia
- on October 28, 2015
This is great! Thank you for sharing it with me! -- Kim
- on October 14, 2015
A beautiful work of art, Maddie! This would make great grandma smile. As for me (grandma), my heart is dancing. Keep up the good work! I'll watch for more art to come. -- Grandma
- on September 23, 2015
Nice use of shading and value Maddie! -- Mrs. S (art teacher at BJHS)