Lucy3114's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Lucy3114's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Lucy, We love the blue valentines and the butterfly border! Did you make a stamp for the border? The contrasting colors for the hearts and their backgrounds is very effective! It seems like "opposites attract!" Maybe blue will be the new color for valentines this year. Great job on this project! It is hard to believe that Valentine's Day is coming soon! We hope to see you very soon! Love, Grandpa and Grandma G,
-- Carol
- on March 28, 2018
Hi Lucy, Your snowman looks quite worried about losing his hat! You did a wonderful job of capturing his emotions in your picture! I really like the way his hands are reaching up. I think he's saying, "Oh! No! There goes my hat!" or "If only my arms were longer, I could grab it!" The three lines add a very dramatic touch! What a fun time we had with you guys last week! We'll see you again soon! Love, Grandma G. and Grandpa
-- Carol And David
- on March 28, 2018
Lucy, what a great picture! You have included so many things! I really like how you made the letters go down on a diagonal line. Also all the lovely peaceful colors and designs make me feel very calm. Best of all, I like the pictures of you in your peaceful yoga pose! Great job! Well, Lucy, this is our month. Hope to see you soon to celebrate! Love (XXOXOOX), Grandma G. & Grandpa
-- Carol
- on November 20, 2017
Lucy, this is great!!!
-- Laura
- on October 30, 2017
Hi Lucy, This is a lovely sunflower with a wonderful burst of color, but we got this picture from you last spring! Did your teacher put the wrong picture on Artsonia? I don't think you painted the same picture twice! We'll see you soon and you can tell us! Love, Grandpa and Grandma Glenside
-- Carol
- on October 11, 2017
Hi Lucy, Your sunflower reminds me that summer is just around the corner. It will be here before we know it! I love the neon green leaves and the bright two-tone yellow leaves. With all those seeds, the world should have plenty of sunflowers next summer! We will see you in a few days! We'll plan something special to do! See you soon! Love, Grandpa & Grandma G.
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, What a wonderful picture! The colors look very "happy"! I think the sun looks happy to be part of the daytime and the moon looks happy to be part of the night! Great job! I bet you had fun making this picture! Everyday I look in our mailbox to see if I have a letter from my pen pal. I hope I get one soon! We'll see you soon! Probably for Abbie's spring concert! Love, XXOXO Grandpa and Grandma G.
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, Wow! I can practically hear you singing when I look at your picture! What a great job you did with the music staff, the notes and the treble clef sign. I like your hair peeking out from behind your ears! Looks like you're singing your heart out! We'll see you on Saturday! Love, Grandpa and Grandma G
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy! What a great barn! I really like the weather vane on top and all the hay bales out in front. Beautiful colors and a beautiful blue sky and fluffy white clouds, too! I wonder if this is Old McDonald's barn? I think his animals would really like to live here, don't you? We had a wonderful time at your house on Christmas. Have you baked anything more in your E-Z Bake Oven? It was fun to watch you and Abbie do the whip nae-nae! We'll see you soon! Love, Grandma and Grandpa Glenside
-- Carol And David
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, What a great barn! We really like the weather vane you made on top and all the hay bales in front! Beautiful colors! And a beautiful blue sky with fluffy white clouds, too! I wonder if this is Old McDonald's farm? I think his farm animals would really like to live here, don't you? We sure had fun at Christmas time! Have you baked anything more in your E-Z Bake Oven? We'll see you soon! Love, Grandma & Grandpa Glenside
-- Carol And David
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, What a wonderful artist you are! We love this picture and it looks just like you! The background reminds me of all the spirograph designs you made this weekend. What a great time we had with you and Abbie and your Mom and Dad! We'll see you again soon! November is our month! Love, Grandma G.
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, What a cute little house! I would love to live in it! I would like my bedroom to be one of those bright yellow windows! The purple flowers growing in the front yard look very happy there! It looks like a lovely sunny day! What a great idea to do with old telephone books! We sure had a good time at yours and Abbie's dance recitals last weekend! You both did a wonderful job! The Herb Fest was fun, too! Did you see the picture of the owl we sent on e-mail? I hope so! We'll see you soon! Love, Grandpa and Grandma G. P.S. I have some new riddles!
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, I believe Bo Peep has found her sheep! What cute little lambs playing in a meadow of bright flowers! It looks like you have picked some bright colors to make a lovely sunny day for the sheep! We hope you are having fun at school! Grandpa and I are looking forward to seeing you and Abbie at your dance recital. We know you are practicing a lot! Riddle: What is a sheep's favorite dessert? See you soon! Love, Grandpa and Grandma G.
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, What a beautiful "Starry, Starry Night" picture you drew! I really like those blue buildings with the lighted windows! With the bright moon up in the corner, we could call this picture "Moony, Moony Night"! I think Mr. Van Gogh would like this picture a lot! We hope you are having fun at school. We sure had fun on Grandparents' Day! We will see you soon! Love Grandpa and Grandma G.
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hey Lucy! It's already fall! We really like all those fall leaves! It would be fun to take a walk in these woods! Looks like you'll have to get the rake out soon! See you soon! Love, Grandpa and Grandma G.
-- David and Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, What a great valentine! We think you rock, too! It probably took a long time to put all those little squares around the edge! We like the shiny little beads around the heart, too! You are a great valentine-maker! Hope you had fun at the Car Show! We sure did! We'll see you after we get back from our trip! Say "Hi!" to Abbie and your mom and your dad! Love, Grandpa and Grandma G.
-- David and Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, What a beautiful Christmas tree! We love all the sparkles! We can't wait to see you on Christmas Day! Say "Hi!" to your Mom and Dad and Abbie for us. See you tomorrow! Love, Grandpa and Grandma Glenside
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017
Hi Lucy, What beautiful artwork you have made in your art class! I bet there are lots of squirrels who would love to have that giant acorn! I really like the trees and all their colorful fall leaves I guess someone will need to rake soon! Your pumpkin makes a perfect Halloween jack-o-lantern! I bet you are having fun at school! We will see you soon! Love, Grandpa and Grandma Glenside
-- Carol
- on September 29, 2017