Madalynn306's Comments (77)

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Below are comments about Madalynn306's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love it! ????
- Grandma on April 17, 2024
Good job! ??????
- Grandma on February 24, 2024
That is so cool and creative! Fantastic work! Love you! Mom
- Victoria (Mother) on May 10, 2023
Love this. One of your best yet. Love ya
- Grammie on July 26, 2023
Great job “MADDIE”. We love ?? it Poppie & Grammie
- Grammie on March 9, 2023
Great Job!!!! Love the contrasting colors!!
- Brian (Father) on December 22, 2022
WOW !! Great job M. Just remember…”C” ??. Love ?? ya
- Grammie on October 13, 2022
Great Job !! Keep up the hard work!!
- Brian (Father) on September 23, 2021
- Aunt Kathy on May 12, 2021
Are those Megan's lips?????? LOL
- Aunt Kathy on May 12, 2021
That's really cool... I love the peace sign and the ribbon holding everything together! Great colors.
- Aunt Kathy on May 12, 2021
This is one of the cutest things yet. Ribbit
- Grammie on March 12, 2021
I love the sugar skulls! Keep up the good work! Love you! Mommy
- Victoria (Mother) on March 5, 2020
Madalynn, Great job on your latest creation. Poppie & I love ?? it.
- Grammie on March 5, 2020
- KATHY on March 5, 2020
so cool! i keep looking at it and seeing different angles. good job!
- Kathy on November 13, 2019
Nice work! I love all the colors! Mommy
-- Victoria
- on October 24, 2018
GREAT JOB MADALYNN !!!!!! Love the colors and perspective Hugs from Poppie & Grammie
-- Gerri
- on October 24, 2018
Wow! That looks good enough to eat!
-- kathy
- on April 26, 2018
Madalynn, I love this!! You do such great work!! Xoxo, Megan
-- Megan
- on April 4, 2018
Love your new picture! It’s so cute! Great job my little artist! Love you! Mommy
-- Victoria
- on March 27, 2018
Awesome job! You are very artistic!
-- Kathy
- on March 30, 2018
This picture has so much feeling in it! Good job!
-- Kathy
- on February 14, 2018
Love the detail in the sky with the multiple colors! Looks amazing my little artist ?????! ?? Mommy
-- Victoria
- on February 7, 2018
Great job!!! Keep up all the hard work!!!
-- Daddy
- on January 31, 2018
Madalynn, I just love seeing your artwork!! This piece really made me smile! You did such a great job on the details of her face and hair- totally jealous of her eyebrows! Even the background is colorful and happy- your signature style!! Xoxo, Negan
-- Megan
- on January 31, 2018
Love your picture !
-- Grandma
- on January 31, 2018
Great job M. Love the crazy hair picture. Looks like Grammie some mornings ??
-- Gerri
- on January 24, 2018
Love the big red lips and that crazy hair! Keep up the great work! Mommy????
-- Victoria
- on January 22, 2018
hey... is she wearing my lipstick and Megan's eyebrows? This is great!
-- Aunt Kathy
- on January 22, 2018
hey... is she wearing my lipstick and megans eyebrows? this is a great picture!
-- Aunt Kathy
- on January 22, 2018
I'm so proud of the hard work you are doing... Mommy and I are so proud of you!!!
-- Daddy
- on May 18, 2017
- on May 18, 2017
Madalynn, this project looks great! I love the way you used a variety of shapes and shades to make an art piece that is so unique, interesting, and cohesive. Keep up the beautiful work! Love, Megan
-- Megan
- on March 29, 2017
Madalynn, this piece is amazing! The clouds, mountains, and lake are so beautifully drawn! And the color selection, as usual, is so creative and complimentary! Thank you for sharing your artwork with me! Love, Megan
-- Megan
- on March 29, 2017
Neat artwork Madalynn... I love the mountain and lake...
-- Brian
- on March 15, 2017
This piece is so cool... I love the blue DADDY
-- Brian
- on March 15, 2017
Wonderful artwork !!! I love the designs and colors!!! Keep it up DADDY
-- Brian
- on March 15, 2017
Terrific job buddy!!! I love your creativity DADDY
-- Brian
- on March 15, 2017
This makes me smile!
-- Kathy
- on March 15, 2017
I am O's..... winning! This is a cool piece!
-- Kathy
- on March 15, 2017
This is a great piece of art! It makes me feel warm and cold at the same time! Love your color choices.
-- Kathy
- on March 15, 2017
Great job Miss M !!! Think I want you to paint us one for the house Love Poppie & Grammie
-- Gerri
- on March 1, 2017
Love your new art work! It's very vibrant in color! It's one of my favorites! Love you! Mommy
-- Victoria
- on February 22, 2017
WOW!!!! Madalynn, that looks phenomenal... Great job buddy
-- Daddy
- on February 16, 2017
This is so cool! Great job. All of my favorite colors.
-- Kathy
- on February 22, 2017
This looks awesome... I can tell you put a lot of work into it... Keep it up
-- Daddy
- on December 26, 2016
Awwwwwww! Super cute! I love the big eyes and all the wonderful colors you used! Love, Mommy
-- Victoria
- on December 19, 2016
Madalynn, I love your artwork! These flowers are so beautiful! Keep up the great work!! Xoxo
-- Megan
- on December 15, 2016
Great job Madalynn! Such a beautiful vase and flowers. i love it!
-- Aunt Kathy
- on December 7, 2016
That looks amazing... Good choice on making the vase white to make it stand out in the pictures... Keep it up... Love Daddy
-- Daddy
- on November 30, 2016
You did such a wonderful job! I love all the colors you used and the detail in the dress! Keep up the hard work! Love, Mommy
-- Victoria
- on November 30, 2016
Madalynn, I'm so proud of you once again!! Great job drawing your own design and carefully coloring within the lines!
-- Megan
- on November 30, 2016
It looks can tell you put a lot of work and dedication into it. I love the butterflies..
-- Daddy
- on November 29, 2016
Good job buddy.... It looks beautiful and I love the color choices.
-- Brian
- on October 27, 2016
That looks beautiful... I love the color choices... I'm so proud of your hard work... Keep it up
-- Brian
- on October 11, 2016
Great job Madalynn. I love the colors you chose!
-- Kathy
- on October 11, 2016
Madalynn, I love this piece! Your color choice is perfect per usual!!
-- Megan
- on September 29, 2016
Love your new creation! ??
-- Mommy
- on September 28, 2016
Great job! I love the color choices.
-- Kathy
- on September 28, 2016
That looks awesome ... You did a great job
-- Daddy
- on September 28, 2016
Great job my little Picasso !!!! Looks like mommy when she doesn't get enough sleep!!!
-- Brian
- on May 11, 2016
Lookin good!!!! Keep up the hard work!!!!
-- Brian
- on January 15, 2016
Wow! Great job staying in the lines!
-- Kathy
- on January 15, 2016
Great job!!!! You are doing so well in school. Keep up the awesome job!!!!
-- Brian
- on December 3, 2015
Madalynn, I love this fish picture!!!! I can see it on my wall in my office its so good! You are an artists like your great great grandmother Katie!
-- Kathy
- on December 3, 2015
Very colorful Reminds me of a bunch of trucks on the freeway !!!! Keep up the great work. Love you LOTS
-- Grammie
- on October 22, 2015
So expressive.... I love this picture!
-- Kathy
- on October 22, 2015
Madalynn, this piece is FABULOUS! I love the bright colors and crisp, straight lines... Looks super chic! Thank you for sharing it with us! I love you <3
-- Megan
- on October 13, 2015
Madalynn, seeing your artwork puts the biggest smile on Negan's face! I love the colors you chose for this project, and how they get lighter towards the end of the rows... Not to mention that you colored in the lines like a professional artist! I'm so proud of you! Keep on being fabulous <3
-- Megan
- on October 13, 2015
Great job Madalynn..... you are awesome at staying in the lines! Aunt Kathy
-- Kathy
- on October 8, 2015
Good job!!!
-- Grandma
- on October 8, 2015
AWESOME JOB!!!! Keep up the good work my lil' artist
-- Daddy
- on October 8, 2015
Hi Madalynn Poppie & Grammie love the work you do. You make us VERY PROUD. Keep doing pretty art projects. Thanks for sharing with us. Love you LOTS !!!!!!!!
-- Grammie
- on October 8, 2015
Good job!!!!! Love, Grandma
-- Julie
- on October 8, 2015
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