Tyler30589's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Tyler30589's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This project is so cool! It looks like the balls are jumping off the page!! Awesome job on the shading!!
- Hallie (Mother) on February 8, 2022
I love this sugar skull!! The red, white, and blue is so cool! The eyes are my favorite part!
- Hallie (Mother) on February 8, 2022
Your spoon is so fun and colorful! My favorite part is the YouTube play button! That's so creative!!
- Hallie (Mother) on February 8, 2022
Tyler, this is awesome!! It's so cool to see all your different interests in one place! I love the shading with the colors too! So creative!!
- Hallie on October 20, 2021
This is a really cool sculpture! I love how the 3D T jumps out at you! I also love the way the glitter makes it sparkle and look brighter! I can tell you worked hard on this! Amazing job, Ty!
- Hallie (Mother) on February 24, 2020
This painting is so cool! I love the blue and gray together! My favorite parts are the cat and the turtle:-) Great job Ty!
- Hallie (Mother) on January 4, 2020
Wow, Tyler! I love all the different colors you used in this drawing! I like how you used darker colors for the letters so they look really bold! How creative!!
- Hallie (Mother) on October 22, 2019
That looks so cool! Was it hard to do? I can't wait to see it when you bring it home! I love all the colors!
-- Hallie
- on May 14, 2019
Tyler, this self-portrait is awesome! You did a great job! I can tell you worked really hard on this!!
-- Hallie
- on November 1, 2018
This looks exactly like the Cat in the Hat!! I really like the little cats in the background too!! Terrific!
-- Hallie
- on March 16, 2018
This painting is so colorful and happy! The flowers are so bright and cheerful! It makes me feel like spring is here! Awesome job!
-- Hallie
- on March 16, 2018
I love this yellow pot! I bet it took a long time to get it to the right shape! The colors are so nice and bright! I also like all the little holes in the bottom! Awesome job!
-- Hallie
- on March 7, 2018
This is so cool! I love all the different colors you used! The Tree of Life looks awesome with all the different patterns behind it! Great job!
-- Hallie
- on November 6, 2017
You did a great job on this project! I love the colors and the designs on his shirt!
-- Hallie
- on November 24, 2016