Wow. You know all you alphabets. Your doing great. -- Dorothy
- on January 16, 2017
Love your heart. -- Dorothy
- on January 16, 2017
What beautiful Christmas trees you made. You do such great art work. -- Dorothy
- on January 16, 2017
Wow. What a great job you did. -- Dorothy
- on January 16, 2017
What a great artist he is. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grandma & Grandpa -- Dorothy
- on January 16, 2017
Great Job, Joey! Love this piece of art...the colors are awesome! Way to go...keep up the good work xoxo! Love, uncle bob, aunt Jen, Nicholas & Sophia ?????? -- Jennifer
- on January 29, 2016
Joey- We love your artwork and are happy to see it on line. You make up very proud. Love.. Grandma and Grandpa -- Dorothy
- on October 12, 2015
Joey- That's a great Monster Mash picture. You did a good job. Love.. Grandma and Grandpa -- Dorothy
- on October 12, 2015
Joey- What a great job you did. That's a hand of a future baseball player. Keep up the good work. Love... Grandma & Grandpa -- Dorothy
- on October 12, 2015
Wow, Joey! I'm so impressed with your X-ray artwork!!! It's awesome! I bet you your daddy loves it because that's what he sees everyday at work...we love you & are SOOOOO proud of your work xoxo! Love, Aunt Jen, uncle Bob, Nick & Sophia xoxo -- Aunt Jen