Eli4873's Comments (113)

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Below are comments about Eli4873's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Eli, I really like your GREEN Snake picture! It is cool how you have him in a tree. I usually think of snakes just on the ground, but this makes for an interesting picture. Very Good work Eli! I do enjoy seeing what you draw in school. Have FUN in ART Class! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on March 21, 2025 NEW
Hi Eli, I don't remember if I commented on this Very Interesting Art piece...but I do like it! When I was a little girl, a friend of mine had a tiny cute mouse. THIS is a very cool way to show your mouse eating Cheese! Keep up the Great Art work! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on December 27, 2024
Hi Eli, I really do like your "Jesus Is A Gift" picture! It is Perfect! I can tell all the time and care you put into this picture! Jesus is a Blessing in all of our lives...and when he gave us YOU, he really blessed us GOOD! You are a really good artist too! Enjoy the Christmas Holiday! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on December 27, 2024
Eli, you are correct. You have always done great pieces! Thank you, gramps
- Gramps on December 27, 2024
Hi Eli, I SEE the Cheese...and I SEE a black mouse! The rest is very cool and interesting!!! It must have taken a long time to get these different "pie slices" all from the same big piece of cheese! Nice "piece" of Art Work Eli.!!! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on November 6, 2024
Good creation Eli. Looks like a kaleidoscope. Nice!
- Gramps on November 6, 2024
Hi Eli, OK...this one kind-of "spooks me!" Ha! BUT, it's a Real GOOD Eye! Just drawing all those single eye lashes would be hard! The skin background looks REAL too! I bet it was difficult to fill in the pupil. You did a Great Job! An Eye Doctor would like hanging THIS picture in his office! Love , Nana
- Nana on June 5, 2024
Hey that's cool Eli. You are quite the artist Gramps
- Gramps on June 5, 2024
Hi Eli, I liked your self portrait very much! The moon and graveyard reminded me of watching the Nightmare Before Christmas with Cade. Hope you are enjoying Art Class! Keep Up The Good Work! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on April 30, 2024
Hi Eli, THIS is One Beautiful Heart! Love the stain glass look! Also, you used my two favorite colors, Blue and Green! Looks like it's floating in a sea of pinks, yellow and reds. Really like this Art Piece! NICE work Eli! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on March 20, 2024
Nice going Eli. You are quite the artist with great color scheme.
- Gramps on March 20, 2024
Hi Eli, All I can say is WOW! What a wonderful drawing of a dragon! This picture must have taken lots of time to make! All the colors are what I've seen in those pretty Chinese Dragon they use in parades! This is GREAT! Keep up the Very Nice Art work! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on March 20, 2024
Hi Eli, This is a Beautiful Heart! The stained glass effect is Lovely! And you used my two favorite colors..Blue and Green! I really like this picture! Our last name being Hart always make be think of HEARTS! Great Work Eli! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on March 20, 2024
Hi Eli, I really liked this Art project! Baby Jesus in a Gift Box under the Christmas tree. You did a great job on all the details, and it's TRUE...JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on January 3, 2024
Hi Eli, WOW! I do like this cool optical illusion art work! Very well done! You must have taken a long time to draw and color this project. It is excellent! Keep up the wonderful pictures! I do enjoy seeing them all. Love YOU, Nana XO
- Nana on November 8, 2023
Hey Eli. Looks cool. Looks like you used a magnifying glass. I could not do this Love gramps
- Gramps on November 8, 2023
Hi Eli, WOW! I LOVED your artwork of Positive & Negative! It is SO COOL! Hope you enjoy doing more of the different kinds of ART work! Keep Up The GREAT Art! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on October 28, 2023
Hi Eli, This is a very Pretty & Cool picture! It reminds me of Ice Cream that is dripping down the side of a ice cream cone! I really like your color combination too! It must have taken some time to make this very nice and interesting picture! Good Work..keep it up! Enjoy ART class this year! Love You, Nana
- Nana on October 19, 2023
Hi Eli, WOW! I really like your Nice Bright Flag of the USA! We have ours out because of Memorial Day coming, but we hang it out every weekend to show we LOVE OUR COUNTRY! Very Good Job on our flag Eli!!! Love You, Nana
- Nana on June 14, 2023
Hi Eli, WOW! This is a Fantastic picture! It's just like we all saw at Sea world when we went there with You! I bet this picture took lots of time and patience to draw and color. It's So COOL how the black and white flooring tiles "pull you" into the shark/fish walking tube! Really like this Art work! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on June 14, 2023
Nice piece. Was it freehand or use a straight edge. Stained glass looks genuine real. Double thumbs up Gramps
- Gramps on March 22, 2023
Hi Eli, I was looking at all the pictures of the passed and didn't remember seeing or commenting on this GREAT Light House picture! I really do like it! They are one of my favorite things to see and visit and YOU made yours look so real! The sky and ocean colors are wonderful too! Super Job! Love, Nana
- Nana on March 16, 2023
Hi Eli, WOW! You sure did a GREAT picture of the USA Capital in Washington D.C.! Knowing YOU and Mommy went there, that must have been Fun to remember it like it really looked! Enjoy Art Class! Keep up the good work! Love, Nana
- Nana on March 16, 2023
Hi Eli, I really like your Church picture! I can tell you worked hard on it and it looks GREAT! The stain glass window especially stands out! It's beautiful and I wonder HOW you did that? Keep up the good Art Work! Love, Nana
- Nana on March 16, 2023
Eli I see excitement in the drawing of the US Capital. You will have loads of fun...Enjoy your moment, you worked hard as a crossing guard . Be safe. Love Gramps
- Gramps on June 23, 2022
Hi Eli, So great seeing another wonderful work of Art from YOU! And of somewhere we love going to see, our Nation's Capital! Guess You will be seeing that someday soon! You really did a Good Job on this beautiful building! Have FUN in Art Class! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on June 23, 2022
Hi Eli, What a Cool looking castle!! It reminds me of pictures I have seen of castles in different countries. Pretty blue sky, great grass, and wonderful big grey building with cone tops!! Those big brown doors look too heavy for even me to pull open! And WAIT...what's that I see? Could that be "snakes" in the windows? Guess we all will know who wants to live THERE...Master Eli for sure! HA! Cool Picture! Love You, Nana
- Nana on June 23, 2021
Hi Eli, WOW! I really do like this city "roof top" picture! The colors and sky blend so nice and I like all the windows too! Looks like you had FUN doing this picture! Keep up the good art work! Have FUN in ART class! LOVE YOU, Nana XO
- Nana on March 11, 2021
Hi Eli: Very cool art work. Love the watercolor. Save this one for me. Gramps
- Gramps on March 3, 2021
Hi Eli, This is a Very Cool picture of an exoplanet! The watercolors are bright and pretty! You drew the space station and land rover really well. Guess that's the moon and earth in background too. Great piece of Art Eli! Keep Up The Good Work! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on January 22, 2021
Dear Eli, THIS is a Very Happy and Fun painting! Everyone, from young children to grownups get excited when they see a car with a Christmas Tree on TOP! Your picture is perfect! I bet you were smiling when you made this. Nice job once again Eli! Have FUN in Art Class! Love You, Nana
- Nana on January 22, 2021
Hi Eli, I really do like your Folk Art Snake picture! It reminds me of the snake your held in the store, and we all touched! This one has many more colors and has very COOL Patterns! The background sets it off nicely too! Keep up the beautiful work! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on January 22, 2021
Hi Eli, Well, Blue is one of my favorite colors...and I guess that's the sky! Cool spaceship with neat lines too! I'm glad you put the U.S.A. flag on TOP! We fly our flag here every weekend! You have once again produced a really nice piece of ART! I think I'll keep my feet "on the ground!" HA! HA! Much Love, Nana
- Nana on November 21, 2020
Hi Eli, This piece of art is GREAT! The water looks so real, and I like how the light beams out into the clouds! Wish I could be there in that neat little house as a lighthouse keeper! This is a really neat picture! Keep up the Good Work! Love You, Nana
- Nana on November 21, 2020
Hi Eli, This is an interesting picture! First I see the lovely pastel colors..but THEN a Space ship pops out from the clouds!!! COOL! Have FUN in ART class! You are a super good artist! Love and HUGS, Nana
- Nana on November 21, 2020
Hi Eli, I just looked up ART by Glennray Tutor "Photorealism!" WOW! Very interesting and Beautiful ART using marbles! Their shadows are on the background, which I believe is an old map? Very Cool to watch on-line how you did this piece of art work! Nice job Eli, keep up the great artwork! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on March 11, 2020
Hi Eli, I really like your cute Polar Bear! They are So BIG and walk So Slowly! You made the background very colorful too! It's good they have all that fur or hair to keep them warm in the snow! Hope you enjoy all your Art classes! I have FUN seeing what you have done this school year! Love, Nana XO
- Nana on February 19, 2020
Hi Eli, I'm trying to find Nemo and Dory here! Really like your Pretty Fish Picture Eli! It is so colorful and just like the ocean would look! Seaweed and sea grasses too! Wonderful Fun Art piece! Keep up the great ART work! Happy Valentine's Day too! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on February 14, 2020
Hi Eli, It was FUN seeing YOU again! About this art work...I have to say I'm not a big fan of "Abstract Art", but am curious just HOW you made this design! My eyes can't figure out just what you used or how you did this art piece. Bet it was FUN though! You are a wonderful artist. Great that you are learning about "All Types" of Art! Have FUN! Love, Nana
- Nana on January 31, 2020
Hi Eli, What a Beautiful Christmas Tree!! I can tell You put a lot of work into this fun art project! Everyone loves Christmas Trees! The star on top gives us Joy for the Holiday Season! Enjoy celebrating the birth of baby Jesus! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on December 25, 2019
Hi Eli, What a wonderful drawing of a the Nativity! You did a super job! I love the colors and the cool sky and stars! Van Gogh is one of my favorite artist! You made sweet baby Jesus is a cute tiny baby, with the bright orange colors surrounding Him! We will all soon celebrate HIS birth! Love this picture! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on December 11, 2019
Hi Eli, HOW FUNNY! I KNEW this was called "Mad Scientist" even before reading the title of the picture! Dr. Eli has many crazy experiences going on here!! Do you think you'll look like him when you get older? HA! I really enjoyed this picture "Dr. Eli." Keep it up! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on December 6, 2019
Hello Eli, I remember this "Sugar Skulls" from last year! It's kind of scary, but guess we all have them if we are "human!" You made yours very colorful and pretty! Keep up the good work~! Love You, Nana XO
- Nana on December 6, 2019
Hi Eli, What a very nice drawing! I did look on line and see many nice portraits drawn by Mr. Modigliani. Bright red background and her dark blue blouse really set off her pretty white skin. Faces of people are very difficult for artist to draw, but you sure are getting good at it! Nice work Eli! Love You, Nana
- Nana on November 6, 2019
Hi Eli, THIS is such a CUTE picture of a Racoon!!! He/she looks SO REAL sitting on the tree branch. We have seen a few around here, so I know just what they look like! So glad you are enjoying ART!! Keep up the good work! "HAVE FUN" too! Love You, Nana
- Nana on October 9, 2019
Hi Eli, BOY, do I like your colorful picture of HANDS! Each hand has a very interesting pattern too! Lots of colors! Bet that was FUN to draw and color! Keep Up the Good Work! Love, Nana
- Nana on October 9, 2019
Hi Eli, Looks like you are having FUN in ART class again! This Big Blue Dog is wonderful! The background reminds me of a bright colorful rainbow! Guess you have heard that drawing people and animals are the most difficult! You have a pretty good start on DOGS though! Keep up the good work! Enjoy ART! Love, Nana
- Nana on October 9, 2019
Hi Eli, You sure made a lovely picture! I really like the three big beautiful sunflowers. Also, that's a great pink vase to hold the flowers. It reminds me SPRING is here! I do love this pretty Season! Keep up the good art work Eli. Enjoy all the FUN in ART CLASS! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on May 8, 2019
Hi Eli, What a CUTE Red Fox!! His bright orange color is just like a real fox! We have a funny little squirrel in our back yard, who sits like your fox, with his tail wrapped around him! Guess those are the bottoms of his two black feet? His face is beautiful too! The background with the pretty blue sky, frames your fox very nicely! He also enjoys the white cold snow on the ground in winter! Keep Up The Good Art Work Eli! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on February 20, 2019
Hello Eli, WOW!!! I really enjoyed seeing this piece of art work! Nice work on the whole picture! Colors are Wonderful too~! The sky is so cool, with the red and orange colors! I like the big blue mountains with the white tips! Neat little winter cabin! And everyone loves whales! Looks like a Mom & Baby in that pretty aqua water! Looks like you are going to have a GREAT Year in Art! Have FUN! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on January 16, 2019
Hello Eli, I really like your tall Christmas Tree! I do remember making "geometric" pictures too when I was in school! Very Cool! You have such detail inside the tree, and I'm thinking you ran out of time with to top sections still white? You can always color it at home later and give to Mom yo hang for next years house decorations! Keep up the great Art work this New Year! Nice Job! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on January 16, 2019
Hi Eli, I really liked your subject...TREES! They are my favorite...as was my Dad's "Great-Grandpa Allgeyer! And birch trees are beautiful! I like the bright red/orange sky in back, with the bright yellow sun! Such a nice contrast! Even the green grass which is scattered with the colorful leaves! You did a SUPER job on this Art work Eli! Just Beautiful! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on December 12, 2018
Hi Eli, I just LOVE your picture of SANTA!!! Hat SO BIG that it hides his eyes, Bright Pink Cute Nose, and that Beautiful White Curly Beard!!! Ho,Ho,HO! You made a Super Sweet Santa! Merry Christmas to Him, and to YOU too! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 28, 2018
Hi Eli, What a beautiful pumpkin you made! I looked up "batik art style" and saw it's using wax and dye on cloth. Sounds a lot like those "Pysanky-or Ukrainian Easter Eggs" we did with your Mom when she was little. I bet this was a FUN new project for you! Hope you enjoy Halloween! Keep up the great Art work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 4, 2018
Hi Eli, Boy do I like this piece of ART! Folk art is very colorful and detailed with interesting subjects like YOU made here. Very nice with so many bright colors! I would like to visit this farm & field area! I can tell you spent lots of time carefully coloring this picture. Just Beautiful!! Keep up the good work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on October 10, 2018
Eli!!! - Very NICE!!! - Keep up the goo work! Uncle Dave
-- Dave
- on September 19, 2018
Hi Eli, So nice to see your Art once again on line! Your Columbus Day Ship is GREAT! You drew the ship very well, flags, captain and even port holes below deck! Love the deep blue water and the interestingly Bright orange and yellow sky above! All good! You are a super artist! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on September 19, 2018
Hi Eli, I really liked your Cities picture! You have lots of color on the very high buildings with lots of windows! I'm sure you worked for a long time on this piece of art work. Great Job Eli! Enjoy the rest of the school year, and Art Class! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on June 7, 2018
Hi Eli, I sure liked your pretty FISH art project! G.G. just bought us a table cloth with colorful FISH on it, and many look like the ones you have made in this picture! We all like to watch FISH, and eat them too! Keep Up the Nice Artwork! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on May 16, 2018
Hi Eli, What a Big Cute Colorful COW you made!!!! G.G. and I laughed when we saw it! Now we are going to try to draw our own colorful COW! HA! What a FUN Art Project! We all have enjoyed your paintings and drawings through this school year! Good Work! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on May 16, 2018
Hi Eli, Now this is something "Nana" might be able to draw and paint! I enjoyed seeing all your colorful houses in the city! So many colors and windows and a door too! This looks like it was FUN to draw! Keep up the good work Eli! Happy Springtime! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on March 21, 2018
Hi Eli, WOW! This piece of Art work is SO VERY COLORFUL!! Looks like some water colors in the back ground...topped with colored construction paper! Guessing those are flowers, right? I do enjoy what you draw and paint! Have FUN with ART in the month of MARCH! Happy Spring...soon! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on March 7, 2018
Hi Eli, I really like your new picture with the sail boats on the water. The sunset in the background is so pretty too! I makes me want to "jump" into the picture! Keep up the good work. Enjoy your fun Art class! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on March 7, 2018
Hi Eli, I really like your new work of ART! The many colors are soft, and it looks like maybe "chalk?" You really must have worked hard one this combination of pastels. I sure enjoy seeing each new picture from you! I can't wait to see the next one! Keep up the good work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on February 14, 2018
Hi Eli, I really liked your "cropped Santa picture!" Guess you could do that with with Frosty and Rudolph too? Pretty cool! The black framing really makes your Santa picture stand out too! Keep up the good work! Enjoy the Christmas Holiday break! See you soon! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on December 28, 2017
Eli, Great donuts. They are making me hungry. You do know how to use nice coloring for your pictures.
-- Judy
- on November 29, 2017
Hi Eli, These colorful donuts look very YUMMY! Are any of them Gluten-Free? Like Great-Grandpa Allgeyer used to say...."I think NOT!" HA! Anyway, food is FUN to draw and color too! I'd pick the doughnut that is chocolate, if I could eat one. Have fun in Art class! You are doing a "Super" job! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 26, 2017
Hi Eli, This scarecrow is GREAT! I so LOVE all the colors on "Him", and in the detailed background too! NOW...I'm going to HAVE TO order a magnet of him for our refrigerator! Thanks for sharing all this wonderful art work! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 17, 2017
Hi Eli, This is more of an "abstract" piece of art work. The colors are nice! To me it looks like different "eyes", but it could be marbles, or even jellybeans stacked up on one another. It must have been FUN to do the four different pictures in one! Enjoy your ART class this year. You are doing GREAT! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 17, 2017
Hello Eli, Once again you have made a beautiful picture! Again, as I do LOVE God's TREES, yours are very colorful and nicely drawn! The added "reflection" in the space below is really neat too! What a good little artist you are again this school year! Keep the ART coming. I enjoy seeing your work! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 17, 2017
Hi Eli, WOW! What a very scary Halloween picture!!! There is a lot going on in your super busy picture! I like trees, but I would NOT like that BIG MEAN looking tree in my yard here in NC! I do like your cool house that's leaning and the "flash" of yellow lighting too! Keep Up The Good Work! Love You, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 17, 2017
Eli, I really like the scarecrow. His shirts is so colorful. I like his smile too.
-- Judy
- on November 17, 2017
Hi Eli, I really enjoyed seeing this Big face of the Lion! You did a great job on his eyes and nose! Even the mouth and whiskers look so real! It must have taken you lots of times to make his colorful mane too! Wonderful piece of art work! Keep up the good work! Love, nana
-- Nana
- on May 24, 2017
Eli, I really like this lion. He looks pretty happy. I like the mane that is all different colors.
-- Judy
- on May 24, 2017
Hi Eli, What a LOVELY picture of flowers you've painted!!!! The colors of the flowers are so bright! The soft blue sky in the background is very pretty too! This may be one of my favorites! Happy May Days to You! Enjoy the last days of school. Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on May 24, 2017
Eli, Beautiful flowers. I really like all the colors you are leaning about. I like the blue background. It looks like clouds.
-- Judy
- on May 4, 2017
Hi Eli, I can guess who this is in your picture! Peter Cotton Tail!!!!! Lots of colors and details in the background too! You have had some great pictures in this years Art Class. Keep the pictures coming and have FUN! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on May 4, 2017
Hi Eli, What a very colorful picture you made! I really like the big green bird and his cool eyes! The bright sun, and white fluffy clouds look so real. It must have taken you a long time working on this beautiful picture. Keep up the good work! Enjoy Art Class! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on May 4, 2017
That looks delicious! Is that for me?! I hope and Nathan had a great Easter with lots of sweets!
-- Uncle Jonathan SF
- on April 21, 2017
Hi Eli, This is a beautiful picture of colorful flowers in a very pretty vase! I wish it were on my dining room table right now! Also, the black background really make the vase & flowers stand out! Keep up the good work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on April 21, 2017
Hi Eli, HEY! I LOVE the Yummy Cup Cake! It is so colorful with all those sweet sprinkles on it and even a bright red cherry on top!! Nice background in this picture too. Keep up the good artwork! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on April 21, 2017
ELi, The pink pig is so cute. You did a good job of making him look happy.
-- Judy
- on March 23, 2017
Hi Eli, What a CUTE Big Pink Pig! I really liked your art work! I think pigs are very cute animals. You got in every detail....even the "curly tail!" The background is good too with the nice tree, big yellow sun, and lovely blue sky! I am so proud of your art work! Bet you are happy too! See you soon. Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on March 23, 2017
Hi Eli, This colorful picture reminds me of the pattern on a shirt I had in 1970! I like the red, blue and yellows! The black lines, or rods blend very well together too! I really enjoyed this work of art! Keep up the good work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on February 8, 2017
Hi Eli, Looks like Frosty the Snowman has come to visit YOU in Florida!!!! This is a very nice picture for a winter day! They say each snowflake is different. You took your time making all of those little snowflakes. Bet this was a FUN picture to make! I love snow and snowmen too! Have FUN in Art class! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on February 8, 2017
Hi Eli, I did not see the comment about what style or artist this was made after, but really is a neat piece of art work! Looks like you used a lid to a jar to make the circles. And to the right maybe trees in a storm. Or just a nice abstract work of art. Pretty Cool! Enjoy each day in Art class. Looks like you sure have FUN! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on February 8, 2017
Hi Eli, You did it again, making a beautiful work of art! I really like the background with purple and then then blue colors in patterns over it. Pretty heart with red and orange water colors on it too! It's another nice work of art! Happy Valentine's Day to YOU! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on February 8, 2017
Hi Eli, Your FACE picture is really nice! The lips are perfect! The eyes are interesting, how they are looking to the side. I really like the colors you used to paint this pretty face picture too! It's almost a good as YOUR REAL FACE!!! That is the face that I LOVE best! Love, Nana
-- nana
- on January 24, 2017
Eli, I like your picture especially the beautiful colors you used.
-- Judy
- on January 24, 2017
Hi Eli, I really liked your art project called Birth of Christ, with the 5 lambs and bright star! Again you have my three favorite colors Blue, Green and Purple in this painting. I'm guess it's watercolor, which you have gotten very good at doing! It's such a treat to see all your pictures. Keep up the good work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on December 7, 2016
Hi Eli, I really like your artwork called Three Trees! It has all my favorite colors in it, which are Blue, Purple and Green! I now can't wait for Christmas to come! Keep up the great art work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 23, 2016
Hi Eli, I do really like your Klee Cat! It is so very colorful! I looked up the Artist you studied, and your picture looks just like his Cat and Bird painting! Yours has more bright colors...his had a bird between the cat's eyes. What FUN you must be having in the Art classes. Keep up the good work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on October 30, 2016
Hi Eli, OK...this is still a little scary to me!!! But I do like the colors on this Monster! Very creative art work! Enjoy this Halloween and going out for Trick-or-Treating! LOVE, Nana
-- Nana
- on October 20, 2016
Hi Eli, What a Beautiful Painting!! It must have been FUN to use crayons on the leaves and then put pretty paint on the rubs! So Neat and colorful!!! I sure enjoyed seeing this painting. Keep up the great art work! Happy Fall! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on October 20, 2016
Hi Eli, WOW! I really like your Great Big Pumpkin!!! Also like the large moon and stars too. Is that a bat flying by the pumpkin? Good work with chalk and making a collage. Keep up the nice art work! Happy October! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on October 12, 2016
Hi Eli, I liked the way you made all these colored lines and ladder like shapes. That must have been lots of work to glue on all those cut strips of paper. You are a real good artist Eli. I'm so proud of you for working so hard. We are all enjoying your artwork! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on September 15, 2016
Hi Eli, I really liked your artwork of the Castle! Beautiful colors,shapes and even a flag! A real neat place I'd like to live in! I went on line and saw Paul Klee's painting called Castle and Sun made in 1928. Your picture is just a good! Have Fun in Art Class! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on September 15, 2016
Hi Eli, I really liked your picture of an owl in a tree at night. It reminded me of the time we had a screech owl in our tree in Tampa when your Mom was little. Your owl is very cute! I see the moon in the picture too! You are turning out to be a good little artist. I can't wait to see what you draw next! Have FUN! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on September 8, 2016
Hi Eli, I really liked your new artwork! It reminded me of the waves at the beach in Clearwater last weekend. Also, I think it looks like the Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville,NC. The colors and lines are so pretty! The way you drew the suns rays is very neat too! Purple is one of my favorite colors! Keep up the good artwork! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on September 8, 2016
Eli, Your work is very pretty. It reminds me of the mountains that we have here. Someday I hope you and your family can come visit me and see these beautiful mountains.
-- Judy
- on September 5, 2016
Hi Eli, What a cute "Foot Penguin" and pretty snow flakes! I bet that was FUN to make! Keep up the good Art work! Love, Nana
-- Nana
- on February 6, 2016
Eli, Such a cute penguin. I really like the snow flakes too. You do a good job with your art. I enjoy seeing it.
-- Judy
- on January 31, 2016
Hi Eli, I really like your colorful and fun "leaf man!" G.G. and I went on a walk this afternoon, and I picked up many bright orange and red leaves just like the ones you used in your art work! You are really turning out to be a great artist! Keep it up! LOVE, Nana
-- Nana
- on November 18, 2015
Eli, Your art continues to bless me. I enjoyed this turkey so much. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and your new baby brother.
-- Aunt Judy
- on November 18, 2015
Hey Eli! Thank you for sharing this great artwork with me. Is that YOU in the doorway saying 'BOO!' - you really startled me!!! =) Hope you are ready for the ghosts and goblins and CANDY this Halloween!
-- Jonathan
- on October 14, 2015
You are a cool dude climbing thru the window like that. Can't wait to see you at Halloween.
-- Gramps
- on October 14, 2015
My-------that fish must really be down DEEP in that BLACK water !!! It is a good thing he is PINK so we can see him swimming along. Eli, thanks for the cute picture !! Hugs,
-- G G Allgeyer
- on October 13, 2015
Eli, I really enjoyed seeing your art. I like the pink fish very very much. I hope you continue to enjoy art. God bless you!
-- Judy
- on October 13, 2015
I love the colors and shapes you made your fish with, Eli! Have fun making more art!
-- Aunt Jen
- on October 10, 2015
Dear Eli, We all liked seeing your picture of the nice fish! It reminds us of being in Florida...near YOU! Also, you did a real scary haunted house! I'm glad it's not a house on our street here in NC. I would be afraid of that "creature" coming out of the house! Is that YOU? HA! HA! Keep the art projects coming! We all enjoy seeing them! LOVE, Nana
-- Nana
- on October 13, 2015
wow !!! You really scared me !! That is really a great Halloween House !! Bet you had Fun making it. Eli, keep your art drawings coming !! Love,
-- G G Allgeyer
- on October 10, 2015
I love this pink fish who swims left-handed just like Eli and Pappy :-)
-- Gabby
- on October 9, 2015
Eli, I love this haunted house, you look very scary! Can't wait to show you my halloween costume. Love, Gabby
-- Gabby
- on October 9, 2015