Emily, I love the way you put those circular white lines moving in and around the trees; it really does look like a windy day. Brrrrr-- I'm getting chilly! xxxooo, love, Gma -- Gma
- on November 29, 2017
I love this windy, fall day :) -- Jessica
- on November 20, 2017
Looks like cave art to me, and I oughta know, I was there! xxxooo, gma -- Kathy
- on November 20, 2017
Love the colors! -- Jessica
- on October 12, 2017
Emily: This is much better than the cat, but not as good as the cow! -- Gma
- on October 12, 2017
Trying to compete with your sister on this one? I love its big nose! Love, Gma -- Kathy
- on September 27, 2017
You are going to have to explain this one to me! Love, Gma -- Kathy
- on September 27, 2017
Underwater sea life - this one was sent home yesterday and I love the bright colors! -- Jessica
- on June 1, 2016
oh my goodness! you and katie with the amazing cow pictures! i'll have to order this one for my mantle too. maybe you can sign it when you visit? -- Uncle Mikey
- on June 1, 2016
Excellent selection of colors. I can really feel the emotion. -- Uncle Mikey