Cooper3133's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Cooper3133's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looks Good Clean and crisp lines, coloring looks good as well. You've done an amazing job over the years at Memorial from 6th grade - 8th grade. Make sure you give Ms. Lang some credit as well. Proud of you!!!
- Dad on March 13, 2024
I see so many things that represent you in this picture. I'm very proud of you and your art keeps getting better and better over the years. Keep Working Hard!!!
- Chad (Father) on November 15, 2023
Great Job Kiddo!!! Very crisp and clean, can't wait to see the next one!
- Chad (Father) on October 3, 2023
Great looking guitar! I know you want to learn to play, maybe we can get you one that matches this artwork! I like the American Flag end piece!!! Keep working hard, were proud of you.
- Chad (Father) on February 27, 2023
Looks Good! Keep working hard.
- Dad on March 1, 2023
That is awesome!!! perhaps the best piece i've seen so far! I would like to have it for my classroom if possible??? Keep working hard!
- Chad (Father) on December 20, 2022
Looks Awesome!!! Keep working hard, and thanks for sharing your artwork, amazes me how much talent you have!!!
- Chad (Dad) on December 14, 2022
Looks amazing! The detail is impressive especially with the baseball, basketball and football. Star looks like you used a stencil. Keep up the great work and we are all very proud of you!!!
- Chad on April 13, 2022
Looks Awesome!!! opened it up in class and almost everyone clapped. Keep working hard and make me proud!
- Chad on November 10, 2021
Looking for your sister's name, must of gotten cut off my screen? Looks amazing the colors really pop, the shadowing looks awesome! keep working hard!!!
- Chad (Father) on October 18, 2021
Good use of colors, along with the black and white art!!! Keep working hard!!! Proud of you.
- Dad on September 22, 2021
I like your art work looks good, and am very proud of all of your hard work. Please keep it up!
- Dad on October 16, 2019
Awesome Cooper!! I like be the way you used color on this drawing :)
-- Laura
- on April 11, 2018
Cooper, your art is amazing! I am SO proud of you! ??
-- Melanie
- on December 5, 2017
Cooper - you are such a great artist! I love your use of color and shapes.
-- Melanie
- on May 23, 2017
Cooper, You are incredible!! I haven't ever seen a first grader complete such wonderful art projects!! Your teacher must be quite a rockstar too:) "BOOM BABY" - LOL, D
-- D
- on February 1, 2017
Great Job!!! Very proud of you COOP! -Dad
-- DAD
- on January 23, 2017
Cooper - your artwork is amazing! I am SO proud of you! You are becoming such a great artist and I love your creativity! Love you babe! xoxo MOM
-- Melanie
- on January 20, 2017
Cooper - your artwork is amazing, keep up the great work! I can't wait to see your next masterpiece! Love, Mom
-- Melanie
- on December 13, 2016
Cooper, I LOVE your newest art work! It is fabulous!!! Your color choices are excellent and I especially like your use of the yellow. It looks like you added shading and perspective to the work. I think that you are a really talented artist - and I look forward to seeing more of your work!! Much Love & Hugs, "D"
-- Laura
- on September 28, 2016
Cooper! Your artwork is outstanding! I love forward to every new piece that you do:) Love you:) D
-- Laura
- on October 5, 2016
Coopie - you did an amazing job, this is totally frameworthy! I love you babe! Love, Mom
-- Mom (Melanie)
- on January 27, 2016
Cooper, This is a fantastic painting!!! I am so proud of you. You must have had to have been very patient to make all of those dots the same size and in a continuous row. I am really looking forward to seeing your future art projects!! All my love, D
-- D
- on January 27, 2016