Julia11419's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Julia11419's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Stepping stones of life? Different places of growth? Pink a favorite color?
- Connie on April 2, 2024
I love your beautiful butterflies!!! It's been a butterfly kind of year:) Love you, Mom
- Charity (Mother) on May 23, 2023
What beautiful colors Julia! That piece took some time. Good job! Mercy
- Connie on January 25, 2023
- Dad on January 18, 2023
Beans, I absolutely love this piece - every aspect of it from the individual speciality dates (our anniversary) to the lyrics w/ lights and the big Mickey. I see this and it puts me in the Christmas spirit! I look forward to having it up and in our home for years to come. Proud of you kiddo! Love, Mom
- Mom on January 18, 2023
- Charity (Mother) on February 2, 2022
Thankful for YOU - what a beautiful piece of artwork!
- Charity (Mother) on February 2, 2022
So cool kiddo! I love this!!!
- Charity (Mother) on February 2, 2022
Beautiful JuJu !
- Dad on February 2, 2022
Nice !
- Dad on February 2, 2022
Spooky !
- Dad on February 2, 2022
Julia , I love this one you really put some though behind it love how you did your name love you Nana
- Nana on November 17, 2021
Julia, I love it! The blue flower as you love the color blue and you are right - Mommy loves flowers!!! I am proud of you and your hard work in art. I love you! Love, Mom
- Charity (Mother) on January 6, 2020
Julia, this picture is amazing! I think drawing a person’s face is the most difficult thing to do and you skillful in drawing all the features in our faces. Well done! You keep drawing! Your artistic talent has already exceeded my abilities!
-- Mercy
- on November 14, 2018