I can tell the artist completed the beads in some vibrant, happy, neat and beautifull colors. Fone with varying light medium dark colors combined. Awesome. Excellent work.
- Susan on July 8, 2020
Artist did awesome string art. Technique is beautifully done. Good job.
- Susan on July 8, 2020
Nicely assembled with outdoor items on top of neatly arranged pine needles. A warm message for all of us. Nice work.
- Susan on May 27, 2020
Very creative in the representation of tattered edges, crinkled and discoloration of paper. The artist made it look authentic. Very creative by including a compass rose for primary and secondary directions; symbols, landmarks. Details are awesome. Nice work!
- Susan on April 30, 2020
Nice placement of the stars, not overdone, for Chinese New Year - the year of the Rat. Beautiful gold foil holds a pretty blue lantern capped with red. This nicely crimped paper lantern hangs brightly at home. -- Sherry
- on May 29, 2017
Who could resist this jolly smile and soft black ear tips set on a background of the friendliest happy hearts. Marshmallow cushy love in the purple air. Everybody gets a hug! -- Sherry
- on May 29, 2017
Reminds me of those magical moments finding lucky 4-leaf clovers and pressing them flat for keepsakes. Thank you for a great memory. -- Sherry
- on May 29, 2017
Beautiful blending of colors replicating spring and Easter. We'll done. -- Susan
- on April 18, 2017
Good job keep it up. -- Lloyde
- on January 6, 2017
I enjoy looking at every detail expressed in this picture by the artist. Santa coming down a chimney with soot on his clothes, the holly and berries on his cap. Very nice details. Nicely done. -- Grandma Susan
- on January 6, 2017
A silver moon illuminates blades of thick grass, the pie plate and whipped cream topping awaits. There's a smooth-skinned delight in the garden decorated with fancy-spun tendrils and well-placed stalk, all dressed in the rich mood colors of the intriguing evening. Chalky purples blend through yellow into cinnamon orange on a layered plump fruit casting a thick shadow in the night. Two separate objects cleverly brought together with light and shadow, one helping the other to grow. -- Mom (Sherry)
- on November 30, 2016
The colors and patterns remind me of a smooth silk kercheif unfolded to wear in it's season for a walk near the bright morning pond. Wishes to plan a crisp morning walk in the yellowing morning sky, or golden late afternoon stroll by the river form in my mind. A memory of cold leftover water puddled with leaves on the sidewalk shining in the brilliant sun with striking autumn shadows speckled about the persevering greens of late September. Very nice! --Mom -- Sherry
- on November 30, 2016
I like your art work, good job. -- Lloyde
- on November 30, 2016
I enjoyed the details on the scarecrow and the bright sun which brought a smile to me. -- Susan
- on November 30, 2016
OK, what is his name? -- Jan
- on November 30, 2016
Through this painting the artist has shown beautifully what Fall is about. The warm colors definitely shows her beautiful personality. -- Susan
- on November 30, 2016
Keep up the good work. -- Jan
- on November 30, 2016
I really like this one, Pearl! -- Jan
- on November 30, 2016
Looks like you enjoy drawing things as a reminder of some of the places you visit. Which house belongs to me? -- Jan
- on April 23, 2016
Good job, keep up the good work. -- lloyde
- on April 23, 2016
Bold colors gently combined with soft edges for a city scape that draws the eye around the main view and up to a crisp defined sky, all reflected in a still pond. A reminder of a Chicago city vacation on the 14th floor of a hotel with fun awaiting every humid morning and throughout a hot sunny day. -- Sherry
- on April 19, 2016
This is a very authentic piece of artwork. Something one might see when shopping in Rome, Italy or Greece. The artist surely is imaginative and creative. Beautiful piece of art. -- Susan
- on March 6, 2016
One only has to know the artist and be proud of the time she put into this piece. The color choice for the weaving is smart and artful and uplifting yet natural, and the drawing is full of friendly thoughts. -- Sherry
- on February 16, 2016
I enjoy the smiling face and the full page of brilliant color, this piece reminds me of someone wonderful. I can't help but to be in a happier mood when I see this art piece. -- Sherry
- on February 16, 2016
I am waiting for this special item to come home, made from the hands of someone very special. The colors on this item are so reminiscent of ancient culture and I have a perfect display area for this piece of original art. -- Sherry