Hi Aubree! I love the different shapes and colors with the wonderful fruit basket you have made for me :-)! Keep-up the creativeness Aubree! I love to see it! -- Dad-Mike
- on March 15, 2017
Hi Aubree! I love how you have used the different shapes and colors in this picture! The purple sky, with red roof-tops are a good alternative to the normal blue and black...great vision! Is that you with your dream home? :-) I love you Aubree Rose! Dad/Mike -- Mike
- on March 15, 2017
Aubree Rose, I love your use of color and shading!!! What a wonderful imagination, sweetheart! :-) I love it when I get to see emails of the wonderful artwork that you do in school!!! We should share our 'home paintings' with everyone, as well! :-) Thank you Aubree!!! -- Mike
- on December 14, 2016
Aubree, That is a beautiful tree! The leaves are turning fall colors and so pretty! Love, Aunt Allison -- Allison
- on November 18, 2016
Aubree, what beautiful colors in your autumn picture!! :-) The leaves changing colors are so vivid...just like driving through the park, or taking one of our walks in the woods !!! I love this Aubree! Great job and thank you for sharing!!! -- Mike
- on November 18, 2016
Aubree, I love your valentine picture! Love, Aunt Allison -- Allison