HAVEN616's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about HAVEN616's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Adorable! Great job!
-- Jennifer
- on April 29, 2019
Great job. You have a good talent in your art work so keep up the good work.
-- Mary
- on March 28, 2019
I love Havens art work! He has a great imgination!
-- Louie
- on May 10, 2018
Great Job. You are doing a great job in your drawing. Keep up the great work!!!!
-- Mary
- on September 16, 2017
Love Havens art work. His creativity grows as the year goes by! Love all of his work.
-- Louie
- on September 16, 2017
-- Louie
- on November 30, 2016
Awesome job!
-- Jennifer
- on November 19, 2016