Love the duck Mo! He looks very realistic, and happy. Maybe something good happened to him, not sure. Big fan of the purple background as well. LSU grad???. -Anders
- Anders on January 8, 2025
Wow!!! Great job Mo. I love layout of my hands around the moth. I’ll be buying this one, buddy. Love and hugs Grandma
- Gramma Sandy on November 6, 2024
Hi Mo, That’s a cooldrawing of a fox! You did a great job with the shadowing; it looks a lot like the one that was trying to eat my chickens last year but the eyes on your fox are much nicer! Your artwork has always been really good , is it something you really enjoy? Hope you stay with it Niece works ?? Love ya, Gramma Sandy
- Sandy on November 30, 2022
Hi Mo, That’s a cooldrawing of a fox! You did a great job with the shadowing; it looks a lot like the one that was trying to eat my chickens last year but the eyes on your fox are much nicer! Your artwork has always been really good , is it something you really enjoy? Hope you stay with it Niece works ?? Love ya, Gramma Sandy
- Sandy on November 30, 2022
I totally agree with you I think you did great also! And I missed being able to comment on the previous self-portrait; you did excellent on that as well! I can tell I’ve got to add a couple more mugs to my collection. Love you bud??
- Grandma Sandy on November 2, 2022
LOVE seeing your artwork and LOVE YOU to all the moons and back!!
- Aunt Sharon on October 5, 2022
I so enjoy seeing your artistic talent and the added information you provide for your projects. Love you to all the moons and back!
- Aunt Sharon on October 5, 2022
What a wonderful turtle, Mo. you have always been talented with your art work and I so enjoy your paintings!!! Might this be a great sea turtle? They get so big!!! I love it!! And, I love you too ???????? Gramma Sandy
- Grandma Sandy on January 6, 2021
It makes my whole week to see your artwork! Love you to the moon and back, Kiddo! <3 -- Auntie Sharon
- on April 24, 2019
Hi Morey, we just saw your paper weaving. Very nice. You are becoming a skilled Weaver in both paper and yarn! Our love, Grandpa John & Grandma Karen -- John & Karen
- on February 13, 2019
Hi Morey, Wow, you made a beautiful weaving! The colors and nice smooth weaving look so good. That same technique is used to make blankets and rugs by many weavers in many countries! Of course you would need a lot of yarn to make a blanket for your bed! Love you, Grandpa John an Grandma Karen -- John & Karen
- on February 13, 2019
What amazing talent Mister Morey! Love to see how your art has changed over time. I look forward to your next art post! Love you to the moon and back! <3 -- Auntie Sharon
- on December 19, 2018
Morey, we really like your cactus art piece! It is one of our favorites! Grandpa John & Grandma Karen -- John & Karen
- on December 12, 2018
We love the colors in what look like beautiful crystal Rocks. I still have the special rocks you gave me on our Yellowstone Trip! Love you, GJ & GK -- Karen
- on October 31, 2018
Who would have guessed that beautiful desert Landscapes could be created with scrapes of paper? Morey can do it! Grandpa John and Grandma Karen -- Karen
- on October 31, 2018
Hi Morey, Grandpa John and I really admire this new Art piece you created. It looks like beautiful crystal rocks that have been cut to reveal all their lovely colors! Love, GP & GK -- Karen
- on October 31, 2018
Darn fine job on this bird!!! Do you want one? -- Dad
- on October 16, 2018
Morey, Great job ! How did you do it? -- Dad
- on October 16, 2018
Hello Mo, Uncle Jeff Aunt Debbie and I are looking at your art and have decided you are very artistic!! We love your pictures. Aunt Debbie’s favorite is the palm trees, but all of them are great. We all love you and are proud of how you’re developing Your talents. Love, Aunt Debbie, Uncke Jeff and Gramma -- Sandy
- on October 31, 2018
Morey, Uncle Jeff and I just looked at your newest art project. It’s great and uncle Jeff said you are very artistic!! We love all the different colors and textures; you put them all together beautifully. Did you give it a title? It’s beautiful and we both like it very much!!! And we both love you. Uncle Jeff and gramma Sandy. -- Gramma Sandy
- on October 31, 2018
Very colorful art work Morey!! You are learning to work with so many new materials Who would guess that torn paper and cardboard would make such a pretty landscape? -- John & Karen
- on October 31, 2018
Wow Morey! What an excellent job! This is my new favorite! Love you, Mom -- Mary
- on January 3, 2018
Now that is what I call a beautiful sunset Super nice painting -- Dad
- on October 25, 2017
Wow Mo that is a really nice painting! Great job. Maybe you can paint me something for my birthday. Xoxox Auntie Esther -- Esther
- on October 4, 2017
Wow Morey! Another beautiful painting! I love it. Great job! Love, Mom ? -- Mom
- on January 23, 2017
I love your artwork Morey!! You are so talented! Love you so much! -- Mary
- on October 26, 2016
Hey Morey, I just looked at your picture of the Walrus. It is so cute, just like your pinguine. Did you give him a name? Your pictures are all so good I'm having a hard time deciding which one I want to buy. Maybe you will be a famous artist when you get bigger. I love you and we are all proud of how you are growing and learning. G. Sandy -- G. Sandy
- on February 17, 2016
Hi Morey, We sure like your new artwork, Pear Still Life. We have printed off each of you're pictures and have them on our pantry door. We see them every day and enjoy them. Our nephew Lochran likes art too, and he spotted your art when he was here recently. He is close to your age & maybe some day you could meet and make some neat art together. Lochran said, "he's good." That is a big compliment for Lochran who believes he is also a good artist. You have a good teacher at school. Will you be making a Christmas Picture? Our love Grandpa John & Grandma Karen -- John
- on October 27, 2015
Hi Morey, Grandpa John and I really liked the your Matisse style face. Matisse was a wonderful artist who loved bright colors. We think you are becoming a wonderful artist too! Keep making your art work. We really enjoy seeing it! Our love, GJ & GK -- Karen
- on October 11, 2015
Another great work of art! I love the colors. From Mommy :)
- on October 11, 2015
Nice work Morey! Looks like a Picasso! -Auntie Seng
- on October 11, 2015
Wow Moreal, I love your new painting so I think I will buy a copy of it. I am so proud of your art work!!! Great job Morey. -- Sandy
- on October 14, 2015
Wow, your painting is GREAT Morey, if I was a robot I would want to look just like the one you painted. Way to go buddy. -- G. Sandy
- on September 28, 2015
Morey, I super love your art !! Great Job :) -- Dad