Eva2451's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Eva2451's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like to imagine who might live in this castle on the big hill
-- Grandma
- on October 31, 2018
Think this is my favorite
-- Grandma
- on October 31, 2018
Very colorful
-- Grandma
- on October 31, 2018
This one looks like you put a lot of work in it
-- Grandma
- on October 31, 2018
This one is neat - I love the castle!
-- Mom
- on October 24, 2018
Beautiful colors! I bet there's a good story behind this one :)
-- Mom
- on October 24, 2018
Very creative. Great job Eva!
-- Mom
- on October 24, 2018
Eva, I am really enjoying seeing all the artwork you've been working on in the 3rd grade. Keep it up - so proud of you!
-- Mom
- on October 31, 2018
Eva, what a great picture! I love all of your artwork but this might be one of my favorites. Sure do love you! Mom.
-- Jill
- on January 27, 2017
Eva, I love your picture of a boat out in the water. You did such a good job on that. Keep up the good work you little artist. I love you, grandma
-- Grandma
- on January 27, 2017
Eva I really really love this picture. I may order something with your picture on it. Keep up the good work
-- Grandma
- on March 4, 2016
Eva, this is a beautiful picture! So very proud of all your great work at school. Mom and Dad love you bunches!!
-- Jill
- on March 4, 2016
Eva this picture is very interesting. You really did a fantastic job. I'm just speechless
-- Grandma
- on February 4, 2016
What a great picture! Makes me excited for fall! Keep up the good work.
- on September 25, 2015
Eva I love your pumpkin picture. You did awesome. I really think mommy should get it framed and put in dining room for Halloween and thanksgiving. That would be so pretty. I love you. Grandma
- on September 25, 2015
Eva your train looks awesome. Keep the pictures coming you are doing great
-- Grandma
- on September 11, 2015
Love the train Eva! Keep up the good work! Love Mom
- on September 10, 2015