I love your picture! It has a lot of creativity! -- Sissy
- on November 14, 2018
Looks great buddy -- Greg
- on November 14, 2018
I love all the shapes! -- Kaylee
- on November 14, 2018
Great job! I love the colors you used! -- Kaylee
- on November 14, 2018
Great job! -- Kaylee
- on November 14, 2018
Great job! -- Kaylee
- on November 14, 2018
Looks amazing!!! It looks just like a real chameleon!!! -- Sissy
- on January 17, 2018
Love all the colors! -- Sissy
- on January 17, 2018
Great Job Cody!!!! I love the bronco colors! -- Sissy
- on May 17, 2017
Great Job Cody!! I LOVE all the colors. -- Sissy
- on May 17, 2017
WOW!!!!! Cody you are doing great!!!! I love all your work!!! Grandpa -- Grandpa
- on March 1, 2017
I love how you used the primary colors! It is very cute and gives of a summer-timey feeling! -- Kaylee
- on March 1, 2017
Great Art Cody! Love all the shades of brown! It really makes the picture work! -- Kaylee
- on March 1, 2017
Great Job Cody! You look very handsome! Nice use of colors and staying in the lines -- Sissy (Kaylee)
- on March 1, 2017
I LOVE all of the color in this picture! I also LOVE all of the different shapes! Keep up the great work! -- Kaylee
- on September 7, 2016
I LOVE this! Don't float away too far!! -- Janell
- on July 28, 2016
Amazing! Great work! -- Janell
- on July 28, 2016
Cody, That is great!!! You did a really good job!!! I'm so proud of you!! Grandpa -- George
- on July 28, 2016
I LOVE all of the shapes with eyes! -- Mom
- on February 14, 2016
Amazing use of color! -- Mom
- on February 14, 2016
This is so creative. I love the shapes and colors! -- Mom
- on December 15, 2015
What an amazing piece! Great job Cody! -- Janell
- on December 15, 2015
Cody, I love your art work. It is so creative! Love, Sissy -- Kaylee
- on December 15, 2015
Great use of color! Your cat is amazing!
- on October 14, 2015
Your art work is so pretty. I am so glad you try your best to stay in the lines. I see you have learned the primary colors. They are very important when doing art. Your cat is so cute!!! Nice job!!! -- Kaylee